The Temple of the Three Headed Spirit (Mini-Dungeon)

Dungeon Info

Level Range:1 - 4
Suggested Player Count:1
1 lotus tile (first run through)

In the forests surrounding Gaoling, an ancient order of monks devotedly pray to and protect a powerful spirit with three heads. The order is known to be incredibly militant when defending their holy grounds, so most dare not venture into the forest near their temple. The Gaoling authorities have called on you to eradicate the order of heretical monks, once and for all.

We have dedicated ourselves to protecting you...our lord…

Those unworthy to gaze upon you shall be destroyed....our lord…

We, your humble servants, shall see your land remain pure...our lord…

Your treasures shall be protected...our lord…

Your name shall always be unspoken…our lord….

Excerpt from a monks speech, overheard by a hidden journalist.

The dungeon can be found to the north of Gaoling (See: Orange flag on map).

Location: 16800 70 12353 (overworld)

Defeat each of the warrior monks and their leader.