

By accessing our services, you are beholden to our Player Safety Policy and our rules.

The rules serve to protect our players from those who wish to harm them or their experience on our server. The rules are categorized into four sections: General, Social, Towny and Voice Chat Specific Rules. The rules also apply on Discord.

You are subject to immediate punishment in the case that you break our rules.

You are free to appeal your ban using our Ban Appeal page. Ban Appeals are discussed by the General Moderation team in which we evaluate the rules broken, the situation, and the content of your appeal. Ban Appeals are not guaranteed to be accepted.

A couple of notes:

  • Some rules do not require any warning prior to punishment due to their severity.
  • The rules are explained below and they contain examples. Any attempt at getting around rules with loopholes or what not will result in a ban.

Player Safety Policy

The Player Safety Policy aims to ensure that we protect all members of our community from harmful and/or malicious actions such as (but not limited to) sexual harassment, discrimination based on what a person is, and public disclosure of personal information without clear consent. We expect our players to interact responsibly with each other, failure will result in action from the Moderation Team.

This policy can be moderated outside of our services as our players deserve to be protected as much as possible against these harmful actions. Inability and/or refusal to comply with our Player Safety Policy will result in punishment and potential (possibly permanent) removal from our services.


  1. General Rules
    1. No exploiting glitches, abusing game mechanics or using unapproved mods mechanics.
    2. Do not pollute the landscape (keep the map pretty).
    3. Do not grief or steal for the sake of causing grief (in town protected chunks).
    4. Do not evade punishments.
  2. Social Rules
    1. No NSFW content or anything related to it.
    2. Do not advertise.
    3. Do not spam.
    4. Do not scam.
    5. Do not harass other players.
    6. Don't be rude to others.
    7. English only in global chat.
    8. Publicly disclosing any personal information about a person without permission is not allowed.
    9. Impersonating staff members is not allowed.
    10. Encouraging somebody to break the rules is not allowed.
    11. Keep the global chat clean.
  3. Towny Rules
    1. No PVP in non-PVP areas.
    2. Shell towns are not allowed.
    3. If you have multiple accounts, all of them must be in the same town.
    4. Switching accounts during war is not allowed.
    5. Do not block the flag during warfare.
  4. Voice Chat Specific Rules
    1. Recording a player without their permission is not allowed.
    2. Annoying others through playing unwanted videos through the DJ is not allowed.
    3. Lurking in voice channels is not allowed.

General Rules


1.1. No exploiting glitches, abusing game mechanics or using unapproved mods.


You should play the game as intended. Do not make use of hacks, unapproved mods or glitches, and do not abuse game mechanics.


  • All modifications used on the server must be approved by the Moderation team and listed in the Approved Mods List.
  • If you discover a glitch or a bug, report it to staff immediately, and do not continue abusing this glitch or bug. Please remember to responsibly disclose information regarding exploits to the mods or admins. This can be done through the forums (in the Bugs and Reports section) or through a Discord message.
  • We consider any use of a game mechanic beyond its intended function as abuse. For example, Towny chunk claims are mostly intended to be used by towns to protect their builds. Furthermore, claiming chunks through warfare, and keeping them is also an intended feature. However, using these game mechanics to majorly limit another town's growth is considered abuse of game mechanics. Other forms of abuse using this game mechanic include preventing expansion or repairs to builds that serve for a public purpose.

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1.2. Do not pollute the landscape (keep the map pretty).


The landscape should remain attractive to everyone visiting our server, thus builds need to make sense in some way. Creating builds which promote unfair gameplay are not allowed.


  • Builds need to obey the laws of physics in the Avatar universe.
    • This rule would prohibit towns, bases, houses, buildings, and other decoration from being unnaturally positioned in ways such as flying, floating, or sitting precariously on low-effort stilts or scaffolding.
    • This rule, however, allows sky bison, flying vehicles (such as blimps and planes), and other related objects or animals to be made flying above towns. Boats, ships, and swimming animals can be made floating in or on water.
  • Players are allowed to modify the landscape and terraform around their towns as long as the new biome/foliage/terrain makes sense in the Avatar world.
    • For example, this would prohibit hand-made nether terrain, large-scale flooding, lava-casting, nonsensical destruction, etc.
    • When it comes to resource collection, we strongly advise that you utilize the Spirit World as it is occasionally reset (portal locations can be found on our map. However, if you do elect to collect resources in the overworld, your actions will be moderated by the restrictions listed above (i.e. “nonsensical destruction” is prohibited).

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1.3. Do not grief or steal.


Griefing (including stealing) is not allowed. It creates an overall negative atmosphere and is a huge annoyance for the victims.


  • Do not grief for the sake of causing grief.
  • It is the responsibility of Town and Plot owners to set permissions and protect their property (builds, chest contents, animals, and other) against griefing. For more information on effectively protecting your town, please visit our Towny Wiki.
    • Griefing via subversion of Towny permissions will result in punishment.
  • Builds which are not protected under Towny but serve a public purpose (i.e. community farms and Saito Railways) are considered under protection via this rule as well.
    • Chests and farmland in public areas are free to loot, however the builds/area themselves are protected from griefing.
  • Terraformed land which is not protected under Towny-owned chunks—but is part of a larger terraformed town area—may be considered under protection and thus protected under this rule as well. This protection extends for 5 chunks from a town but not from a disconnected outpost. This 5-chunk protection does not extend to builds or chests.

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1.4. Do not evade punishments.


You must wait out your ban/mute duration or file a Ban Appeal if you feel like your ban was unjustified or no longer applies. Trying to bypass a punishment will result in a further offence.


  • This includes using other accounts (alts) to access our services as well.
  • This extends to all our services, such as our public forums, Discord, and Minecraft server.
  • Players may not bypass any punishments, with the unique exception of inappropriate names and skins. These cases allow players to access other our other services or use an alternate account as long as their username and skin/avatar remain appropriate.

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Social Rules


2.1. No NSFW content or anything related to it.


Underaged players are frequently on the server and they should not immediately exposed to NSFW content. NSFW in this context means "not safe for work", translation: nudity, pornography or profanity.


  • This can take many forms: inappropriate builds, messages, or linking to NSFW websites.
  • You are allowed to communicate NSFW in private chats, such as local chat (/l), private messages, (/msg <name>), town chats (/tm) and nation chats (/tn) as long as there are no complaints.
  • Innocent forms of cursing are still allowed, as long as the chat stays civil.
  • Usernames and skins must not display or refer to anything NSFW.

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2.2. Do not advertise.


Advertising is not nice, it really looks ugly on the server towards the general public and is considered spammy.


  • Advertisement is defined as messages intended for the promotion of non-server related goods or services.
  • Links to non-Minecraft server related websites is fine, as long as the website itself is not malicious or the content on the page is not directly related with the aforementioned promotion.
  • Suggesting or linking to piracy websites is not allowed. We acknowledge some of our players may use these websites, at their own risk, but we do not condone piracy.
  • You are able to contact a moderator or admin in case you do want to promote non-server related goods or services. It is then up to the moderator or admin's discretion to allow this or not to allow this.

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2.3. Do not spam.


The in-game chat and Discord need to remain clean as there is no need for unnecessary clutter.


  • Spamming is defined as (a repetition of) unwanted messages, PVP messages, towny invites, and so on.
  • Towny invites must only be sent to a player after they have chosen an element and have agreed to join your town.
  • Messaging only in caps-lock can be considered as spamming as well.

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2.4. Do not scam.


Scamming is an unfair or fraudulent scheme, with the intent to cheat someone else. For example, when a trade is made, the rules of trading must be respected and both parties must receive their end of the deal.


  • You can ask a moderator or admin to assist you with the trade if you are unsure about a trade. The moderator or admin will then function as a middleman.
  • Lotus tile locations are publicly available by asking in global chat for free. If you attempt to sell this information instead of providing it for free, you are automatically breaking this rule.
  • When the current mayor of a town appoints a new mayor, they hand it over in its entirety to them. This also counts for nations and kings. Therefore, you can’t ask the staff to give you your mayor or king rank back.

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2.5. Do not harass other players.


Players need to feel at comfort on the server or on Discord at all times, no matter what their characteristics, religion or origin are.


  • Harassment is considered any general offense that directly targets a specific player or a group of players due to reasons such as: religion, skin color and their origin (country) etc.
  • This rule also includes other largely influenced annoyances as: repeating something the player said in the past just to annoy that player, making fun of a player because of their opinion, etc.
  • Usernames and skins must not display or refer to anything discriminatory.

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2.6. Don't be rude to others.


Players should be able to feel at home when playing on the server or when communicating on Discord. Rude behaviour does thus not belong here.


  • This rule also includes intentionally spoiling movies, shows, series, games, comics etc. to players who have not viewed it yet.

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2.7. English only in global chat.


The official server language is English and as nearly everybody comprehends English, it leads to a clear communication with others. If players start talking in different languages, it leads to people feeling left confused and annoyed.


  • You must talk English in global chat or continue with talking in your native language in local chat /l, private messages /msg, town members chat /tm or towny nation chat /tn.
  • If you are just toying around and are having fun, you will not be punished. However, when a moderator or admin requests you to stop, you should return to English immediately.

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2.8. Publicly disclosing any personal information about a person without permission is not allowed.


Players may share personal information with you with a sense of trust. If you leak this information out, this sense of trust is broken and you will be punished for doing so.


  • The victim can request us to withdraw a punishment towards you if you break this rule.

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2.9. Impersonating staff members is not allowed.


You are not allowed to act like you are part of staff and misguide other players in the process of doing so.


  • General guideline: just don't impersonate staff members, moderators or admins.

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2.10. Encouraging somebody to break the rules is not allowed.


If you encourage anybody else to break a rule, you become an accomplice and you will be punished for this reason.


  • General guideline: just don't tell others to break rules.

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2.11. Keep the global chat clean.


We understand conversations can heat up and become rather emotional. However, conversations that are heated or too aggressive in global chat may scare off new players or annoy long-time players.


  • If you and your conversation partner(s) are fine with having this conversation, please use local/pm/tm/tn chats in order to converse in a more private manner.
  • Controversial topics of discussion may be redirected out of public channels at a moderator or admin's discretion.

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Towny Rules


3.1. No PVP in non-PVP areas.


Safe zones are there for a reason, to keep players safe.


  • You are not allowed to use displacement moves to move other players out of safe zones (their town, any city, etc).
  • You must notify all players in Local Chat (/l or /local) before toggling PVP in a town chunk.
  • We request the victims to record footage of this happening or to alert a moderator or admin during the offense, due to the tracing difficulty of such offenses.

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3.2. Shell towns are not allowed.


Shell towns are considered to be towns that are used to solely serve for a town or nation advantage and they merely exist to teleport to, to store items, or for any other type of exploitation.


  • Single member towns are allowed (even though they are often small and prone to exploitation), as long as it is clear that it does not serve the sole purpose of exploiting an advantage towards a town or nation.

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3.3. If you have multiple accounts, all of them must be in the same town.


All alts (alternative accounts) need to be in the same town as one player can only be in one town and alts are viewed as an extension of the account of a player.


  • Towns may not be flooded with alts for the purpose of inflating town/nation resources.
  • If you have had access to an alt in the past but do not have access to the account anymore, please report it to a moderator or admin as this alt will then not be linked to you anymore until it is accessed again.

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3.4. Using multiple Minecraft Accounts or Character Profiles during war is not allowed.


This rule is set in place to prevent players from abusing Minecraft Accounts and Character Profiles to give them the upper hand during war.


  • You may not be signed into multiple Minecraft accounts, or switch between them, during war.
  • You may not switch between Character Profiles, or Elements, during war.

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3.5. Do not block the flag during warfare.


To make warfare more balanced for both parties, all players need to be able to access the flag. You are not allowed to build anything close to it or use bending to form walls around the flag.


  • Players are not allowed to place or remove any blocks (including water or lava) within a 3x3 pillar, surrounding the flag, extending to the build limit.
  • This includes adjusting these blocks in any possible way, for example by bending.

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Voice Chat Specific Rules


4.1. Recording a player without their permission is not allowed.


This rule is similar to rule 2.8. Publicly disclosing any personal information about a person without permission is not allowed.


  • If you want to start recording in a channel, request permission from the people in the channel to record.
  • If you have permission from everybody to record in a channel, ensure that any newcomers are also made aware that they are being recorded and that they can request you to stop recording.
  • If anybody requests you to stop recording, either move to a different channel with people you want to work with or stop recording.

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4.2. Annoying others through playing unwanted videos through the DJ is not allowed.


You are not allowed to play videos on Discord that annoy others.


  • When you are requested to stop playing a song, you must stop playing that song and you should just listen to the song locally (on your own PC/Mac/laptop etc.) if you really want to.

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4.3. Lurking in voice channels is not allowed.


You are not allowed to lurk in public channels as this puts others at discomfort.


  • Lurking is defined as joining a channel merely to listen to others' conversations.
  • You must respond when a moderator or admin asks you something.
  • If you plan on going AFK, move yourself to the AFK channel or deafen yourself as that already provides enough indication for you being AFK.

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Modified Clients

Any mod not listed on this page should be assumed to be blacklisted. Any questions or suggestions for this list can be directed to any member of the General Moderation or Administration teams for review.


These mods are generally approved for use on our server, though certain features may need to be disabled.

  • Optifine
  • Labymod
  • Badlion (Pending blacklisted mods)
  • Lunar (No Freelook)
  • Schematica (No printer)
  • Map mods (No entity tracking/cave mode)
  • Replay Mod (No X-Ray)
  • HUD enhancements


This list serves as a guide to commonly used mods that we do not allow on our services. Note that the blacklist is not limited to its contents listed below. Use of these mods may result in an immediate ban with no prior warning.

  • Fly
  • Speed
  • X-Ray
  • B-Hopping
  • Macros
  • Inventory Sorters
  • Auto-Clickers

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