Weekly Soon™ - Week 9 - We're moving to 1.9

2016-04-29 21:29:00 +0000 UTC by Luxsidus

Hi everyone and welcome to a fresh Weekly SoonTM. We've got some big news to share with you guys: the server has been updated to Minecraft 1.9!

As many of you know, Minecraft 1.9 has been out for a while now, but because the server is made possible by dozens of different plugins we had to take our time to update. So that's what we've been doing. And we can finally say we are ready enough to let you guys enjoy our server. And yes: we've brought back gliders! So this will be one of "those" posts with a large changelog and a lot of neat features waiting for you to try out. We mainly added a few new curio's to the FNC, fixed code running in the background, fixed pesky trees and changed the /pay command.

So without further ado, you can admire and gaze at our list of changes. As soon as you are done with that we'll see you on the server, perhaps sporting a fancy new glider! Please keep in mind that you might encounter bugs. If you do, please report them to us.

New features Direct Link

  • Added some interesting places to the Fire Nation Capital. No, we won't tell you where exactly ;)
  • Trees actually grow in a normal way again and are rotated randomly. Trees have been glitchy, but are now better and tree-er than ever.
  • "/pay" command is no longer in cents! So /pay 1 does pay 1.00 Yuan instead of 0.01 Yuan now. Finally.
  • "/pay all" can be used to transfer all of your money to someone. Just in case.
  • When you die in a major city you will respawn in that same city instead of your own capital. Saves you time and us requests to tp the poor fellow over.
  • Road recipe does now accept any type of planks. No longer will we discriminate against other types of wood. On AvatarMC all wood is equal.
  • Added superawesome airbender gliders! Non-airbenders, don't dispair. More basic gliders will be coming out later for everyone to enjoy.
  • Squashed many, many bugs

Now go out and have fun, we'll see you around!

Weekly Soon™ - Week 8

2016-04-23 16:00:00 +0000 UTC by IdahoSciGuy

Well Hello all of you avatar peeps! Its that time of week we all look forward to, the Weekly Soon!!! Idaho here with some cactus juice juicy information!

New Command Direct Link

Do you tab out and browse the web while you cook up some infernal meth Cobblestone? Are you always worried about missing out on conversations while tabbed out and browsing the web? Do you always feel like an awkward turtle duck when you tab in and see you missed a conversation? Well, fear no more! Earlier this week, a new command was added to ease all of these concerns: “/highlight”! This is a nifty little command that will notify you with a sound alert whenever preset words are said in chat. Here are a list of commands available to players:

  • /highlight on/off to enable/disable
  • /highlight add/remove word Adds/removes a thing to be highlighted for
  • /highlight sound on/off enable/disable sound when being highlighted
  • /highlight list lists words to be highlighted for

With these new commands, you can now enjoy minecraft at ease! Seriously, it’s easier than planning an invasion of the Water Tribes. Simply turn on the highlight feature, enter the words you wish to be notified of, and wait for all the sweet, succulent ringy-dingies to come rushing in! Never worry about missing conversations while tabbed out again!

New Positions Direct Link

We are happy to announce that in the very near future, Chat Moderators will be making their appearence! Instead of being appointed by internal selection, these positions will be filled via applications on the AvatarMC.com website! We will have more information regarding these new staff positions, including what they do, what we’ll look for, and all that jazz, coming in the near future! Stay tuned for more info!

That’s all for this week! Idaho out!

Weekly Soon™ - Week 7 - This will make your mouth foam

2016-04-18 16:22:00 +0000 UTC by IdahoSciGuy


Hello everyone, and welcome to the most recent Weekly Soon! Idaho here with a quick update for all you avatar server peeps. This week, it’s all about dat bending! Here's the rundown-diddle-doodle:

New Bending! Direct Link

This week featured the debut of this month's bending additions!


This month features a wide variety of moves, featuring both offensive and defensive capabilities, as well as utility in both battle and everyday situation! Below is a log of all the new moves:

Air Direct Link

AirGeyser Direct Link

Launch enemies into the skyLeft click to create an updraft of air, launching enemies into the sky, dealing high damage

AirBurst Direct Link

Use the power of air to protect you.Left click to create a bubble of air, knocking back enemies

Fire Direct Link

FlareBlitz Direct Link

Charge forward with the power of the infernoLeft click to charge a target, dealing high damage. This also damages the user a bit.

Heat Control Direct Link

Control the spread of fireLeft click to extinguish flames from yourself, the ground, or other players.

Earth Direct Link

EarthBreaker Direct Link

Use Earth to impact the ground.Left click to raise up a block of earth, causing it to crash down and damage nearby players.

PebbleDaze Direct Link

Quickly shoot a pebble at a targetLeft click to shoot a pebble, dealing small damage, with bonus damage and blindness achieved on headshots.

Water Direct Link

MoistureDrain Direct Link

Creatively source your waterbending power on land!Left click on a grass block to create a water source for a short time.

SteamExplosion Direct Link

Use the power of steam to damage and blind your enemies!Left click to create a plume of steam that deals moderate damage, knocks enemies back, and blinds all who enters it.These moves are now on the server! Make sure to collect those tea leaves to upgrade all your bending abilities! Our bending team is on vacation to ember island to celebrate the release this week, but next week they will be back at it to work on the new moves for May!

Bug Fixes Direct Link

On top of all the new moves being introduced this week, we have also added some bug fixes for current moves, as well as on the server itself:

Bending Direct Link
  • WaterWhip can no longer pass through non-bendable water blocks
  • DolphinDash now shows effects on all levels
  • DolphinDash waterbreathing effect is now adjusted at 5000ms instead of 1000ms
  • EarthBlast can no longer pass through non-bendable earth blocks
  • General 'maintenance' on files. Nothing notable from player side, but cleaner files are easier to work with in the future :)
General Bug Fixes Direct Link
  • Fixed bug that randomly spawned players in FIre Nation Capital
  • Fixed tab completion disconnect bug
  • Fixed bug affecting local chat on build server

That’s all from this week! See you all next time on the Weekly Soon!

Weekly Soon™ - Week 6

2016-04-09 20:55:00 +0000 UTC by IdahoSciGuy


Hey all you minecraftians and avatar people! Idaho here with a (slightly late) Weekly Soon packed full of delicious nutrition information about what's on the horizon!

New Builds!

Our builders have been hard at work building all over the avatar world, and some of their creations are about to hit the live server! The first 3 week build sprint is nearing completion, and this time the focus has been on the Southern Water Tribe! Builders have been hard at work pumping out sections of the city, including a shipping yeard, and the grounds for our favorite spirit festival! The whole city isn't complete by any means, as it will take a few sprints to really get close to accomplishing that, thought it's safe to say this sprint was definitely productive! Make sure to check out all the cool new additions!

Also making an appearance is a redesigned Kyoshi Island! If you think the island looks different, you would be right! The entire island has been reworked from the ground up! It has been completely re-terraformed, and is ready for the finer details to be put in place. Look forward to more from the home of the Kyoshi Warriors coming soon!

New Bending!

The bending testers are hard at work testing all the new moves for our April update, and the feedback has been overwhelming! Most of the moves have been designed and rolled out to testers on the bending server, and everyday more information is gathered to help the balancing act that is move generation. We are hoping to push these moves to the live server next week, so keep your eyes peeled for more information in the next weekly soon!

Bending Changes

Along with introducing new moves for testing, we have been hard at work continuing to balance what we currently have out there. This week, we have been taking a hard look at a few moves in particular.-Firejet: Firejet will now be able to be toggled! With our latest change, firejet can now be turned off at will, increasing its maneuverability. However, energy will be drained during use, as well as on a start-up cost. Make sure to use it wisely in battle, or you may end up dry of energy! Our friendly neighborhood grangyman has even given us a gif that shows the toggling in action:http://gfycat.com/FaroffOpulentAnchovy-Flameshot: We've been looking at a rebalance for FlameShot, since currently it's extremely spammy while dealing high damage. Currently we're testing a cooldown increase, allowing it to retain the damage it currently has, but reducing its spamminess. This should make it much more competitive with the other bending types at the moment!-PebbleGatlingGun: As of right now, PebbleGatlingGun is probably the least used Earth move, and we want to change that. We're looking into ways to improve functionality without making it completely overpowered, so stay tuned for further details!

Plugin Additions

We’ve added a new plugin to the server! As many of you who have sought out the tea leaves in Ba SIng Se have seen, our minecart plugin is now functional! With this, you can get around the rings of Ba SIng Se faster than news of the death of the Earth Queen (may she rest in peace)! You can try it out for yourself near the global travel node in Ba SIng Se’s Middle Ring!

Known Issues

One thing that has been brought to our attention is an issue involving saplings not growing. We are taking a hard look at the issue and will hope to have a fix out soon. Thank you for your patience! Remember, if you notice a bug on the server, dont hesitate to message us! We'll start looking at it as soon as we can!

Phew! That was one heck of an update! See you all next week, Idaho out!

Weekly Soon™ - Week 5

2016-04-01 18:52:00 +0000 UTC by Luxsidus

Lux being awesome

Hey there, happy April Fools and welcome back to an almost Weekly Soon™!

I'm glad I was released from the re-educational facility so I could do this fancy little update for you guys out there. So let's start shall we?

The last few weeks the Build Team has had its first taste of working in a more flexible way. This is called the Scrum Model and the programmers among you might know about this. It is of course an idea as proposed by our lord and coder Killme, and with it we have made nice progress in the icy south.

We've also squashed some bugs in the meantime:

  • Fixed bug where the fast travel map got cleared when another player entered the fast travel location fixed
  • Included the "/ft global | local | all" commands so you can filter hte nearest fast travel nodes by type
  • Some naughty rendering issues fixed
  • Resolved issues with the way NPC's looked

Now this week's issue is not one with the long changelogs as usual, but there is one other thing worth mentioning. We will be rewriting the rules.

A lot of feedback has come in from the community about rules since the server started and we ourselves have seen things in need for adjustment as time went by. The difference now is that a lot more need for sudden changes to the rules have been proposed by both staff and players. We'll give more information on this as we continue reworking the rules, so stay tuned for more.

That's all for this week, or rather 2 weeks. Expect a new Weekly in a week, or two, given I won't be invited to Lake Laogai. Take care and good luck to all staff members and have fun to all players!