Weekly Soon™ - Week 18: Bwakes on a Plane

2016-07-04 02:00:00 +0000 UTC by EvieAscendant

Semper FI

Greetings and salutations, readers! EvieAscendant is here for this week's post, ready to report on the happenings of the last week.

Player of the Month Direct Link

As you all know by now, the first month of the contest has been wrapped up. After much consideration with the nominations, we are pleased to announce that this month’s award goes to Bwake_! Almost every single person on the server has interacted with the things Bwake_ has accomplished – from his placement of the tea leaves to his musical compositions, he has ensured that he and his works will stand the test of time on the server.

Bwake_ joined the server in the days of its dawning when the map was substantially smaller. After this, he joined AirNomads (now Pantora) and shot up through the ranks. It was not long before he was approached by the admins to begin his composure of the music you all hear in the canon cities today. Examples of this include the Fire Nation Capital and the Western Air Temple. Finally, in July of last year, he was made a mod! Thank you for all of your contributions to the server, Bwake_!

If you want to check out his music on Soundcloud, click here.

As we are approaching Bwake_’s one year anniversary of his time as a mod, he has graciously planned a no-expense spared holiday to hell big tea leaf maze celebration! More details will be released as we get them, so be sure to stay tuned!

Bug Fixes Direct Link

Those pesky insects are still hiding after the whipping given to them two weeks ago, so there really isn't much to report.

  • The banhammer effect has been removed from WaterWhip, meaning that waterbenders can finally use one of their more crucial moves without wiping their opponent from this plane of existence!
  • The resource pack has been cleaned up (courtesy of SxyToad), meaning that tea cups will no longer be bigger than your head! In addition, numerous display issues and particle effects have been fixed.

That's all for now, folks. Make sure to catch the next Weekly Soon™!

Weekly Soon 17: Bending Update Boogaloo

2016-06-26 19:00:00 +0000 UTC by IdahoSciGuy

Semper FI

Hey there all you Minecraft players! Idaho here for this week's post, albeit much later than I would have hoped! Still, we've got some HELLA cool news for you today!

New Moves Direct Link

We are happy to introduce Dodge and Armor moves for each element! These moves function very similarly, but offer new mobility and extra protection to each element that will enhance your bending battles at all levels. Here are the crucial details:

Earth Direct Link
  • Earth Armor: Armor which slows caster, but has the highest damage absorption amount. Left click to activate. Duration determined by level.
  • Earth Dodge: Leap to either side. Normal click goes right, Shift-Click goes left.
Fire Direct Link
  • Fire Armor: Armor which ignites the caster as well as nearby enemies. Left click to activate. Duration determined by level.
  • Fire Dodge: Dodge, leaving fire on the ground in your wake, burning enemies. Normal click goes right, Shift-Click goes left.
Air Direct Link
  • Air Armor: Armor which has the lowest damage absorption, but greatly increases speed. Left click to activate. Duration determined by level.
  • Air Dodge: Move almost instantly to either side. Normal click goes right, Shift-Click goes left.
Water Direct Link
  • Water Armor: Armor which slows down enemies by click. Left click to activate. Duration determined by level.
  • Water Dodge: Dodge, leaving snow on the ground in your wake, slowing enemies. Normal click goes right, Shift-Click goes left.

These new moves should be live very soon, so make sure to check them out at your respective bending master!

Player of the Month Direct Link

Thank you to everyone who submitted a candidate for our first ever Player of the Month contest! We received many awesome nominations, and we’ll be giong over each of them during this week. Stay tuned for next week’s post, where we talk with the winner!

In the meantime, you’ll notice that the server announcements about the Player of the Month contest are still running. That’s because we are now accepting nominations for July's contest! The official cutoff for next month's Player of the Month contest is July 22nd, so make sure to send us an email at writing avatarmc.com to make sure your recommendation reaches us!

Bug Fixes Direct Link

Thanks to the whipping our bug fix taskmasters were able to do last week, there arent that many to report this time around. Still, there are a few to report down below:

  • Bending has been disabled in minecarts in major cities!
  • Fixed the book vendor NPC that would not accept any books to copy!

Thats all for this week! Stay frosty out there!

Weekly Soon Week 16: One Flew Over The Zuzu's Nest

2016-06-19 21:00:00 +0000 UTC by IdahoSciGuy & EvieAscendant

Semper FI

Greetings and salutations, Minecraft players! Idaho and Evie are here to rock your socks with some updates from the land of AvatarMC!

Bending Update Direct Link

Our bending creation team is hard at work crafting the newest moves by hand, and because of their intense dedication, we will be having new moves very soon! A few exclusive tidbits for your perusal this week:

  • The moves this month will be centered around dodging and dashing for each element. Each move will be slightly different so as to keep each element unique, but will accomplish the same goal.

  • As you may have noticed, no moves came out this week. The Bending team is hard at work ironing out any last kinks in this month's moves, so they are delaying the release by one week.

  • At the same time, the wonderful and multi-talented admin SxyToad is documenting every bit of info about every move, and cataloguing them for the website! Everything from values to level information will be transcribed and uploaded as soon as everything is compiled.

  • On top of that, SxyToad is also working on each move as it is catalogued, which may result in efficiency changes to moves in the future. Stay tuned for more info as his project progresses!

We appreciate your patience this week, and can't wait to introduce the new moves to you!

Player of the Month Direct Link

Our Player of the Month contest is still going strong, and many of you have already submitted your choice for this distinguished honor. If you haven’t sent us your recommendation yet, Don't worry! Theres still plenty of time left. Our contest will be running for another week, ending on June 25th, 2016, so make sure to email us at writing avatarmc.com with who YOU think is the Player of the Month!

Bug Fixes Direct Link

As per the usual, our local troop of hogmonkeys trusty neighborhood Killme and Zuko have been hard at work breaking apart some of the tough, stuck-on bugs and exploits that have caused the server some grief. Heres a rundown:

  • Players can now use /town here, meaning that you can finally find out more about the town you’re walking through!

  • Towny now protects wooden buttons and daylight sensors in your town, meaning that you can base aesthetics over defenses in your builds!

  • Any mention of upkeep has been removed from the /towny prices command, finishing off what we started last week!

  • Chests are now protected in player housing, meaning that your average burglar will have a lot more trouble!

  • The activation region of the Western Air Temple has been decreased, meaning that you can no longer catch the bison while you’re standing on the bridge!

  • A sellback exploit with statically priced items has been fixed, meaning that one ‘get rich quick’ scheme is finally busted!

  • The /pay all exploit has been fixed, meaning that people can no longer demand that you pay them money because of one command!

That's all from us this week! See you next week on the Weekly Soon!

Weekly Soon™ - Week 15: Let Go Your Earthly Tether

2016-06-11 21:08:00 +0000 UTC by EvieAscendant

Semper FI

Hello and welcome all, to the latest Weekly Soon! I’m Evie, and I’ll be flying over the changes and additions to the server for this week.

New Feature! Direct Link

Have you ever felt that a player on the server deserved recognition for their actions? If so, now you can do something about it. I’m proud to announce the beginning of the Player of the Month contest! The way this will work is as follows:

  • Nominate your player of choice. This can be done by emailing writing avatarmc.com with the player’s name and why you think they should be nominated.
  • The nominations will be sorted through, and a winner will be chosen by an assembled team of server veterans.
  • The deadline for this contest will be on the 25th of each month, with the winner being announced on the 1st.

Furthermore, the part you’ve all been waiting for – the winner’s reward! Aside from massive bragging rights, the player of the month will receive a trophy straight from the admins themselves as thanks for their continued contributions to our beloved community.

Bug Fixes Direct Link

As you all know, the coding gods do eternal battle with bugs on the server. This week may have been slow, but it is no different.

  • Skeleton Horse spawning has now been fixed – no more unpleasant surprises abound in the field!
  • Towny Armor Stand permissions have now been fixed, meaning that people can no longer run off with your prized collection of heads!
  • Any mention of upkeep has been removed, meaning that you can finally stop hiding from your friendly neighbourhood tax collectors!
  • Those pesky plot notifications are moved to your hotbar, meaning that you can finally walk through a town without flooding your chat!

Thanks to you, readers. That’s all for this week’s instalment, make sure you return for next week! This is Evie, signing off.

Weekly Soon™ - Week 14

2016-06-04 18:03:00 +0000 UTC by EngiN33R

Semper FI

Good day to all of our readers, and welcome to another Weekly Soon™! I'm Engi, and this issue looks at the last changes of May and the first changes of June. Let's get into it.

Points of interest Direct Link

More points of interest have been added around the world for you to discover! Make sure to explore and find them all - especially because you will now get a message whenever you approach a point of interest. Thank you to nanook4219 for taking the initiative to compile a list! Please note that these new points of interest will be gradually introduced over the course of the next week.

Bugs Direct Link

In insectoid news:

  • Red sand no longer produces red sandstone
  • Armor stands in cities are now properly protected

Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to come back next week for another Weekly Soon™, and fair winds to you!