2016-08-22 02:44:00 +0000 UTC by EvieAscendant
Hello again! Evie is here to fly you through the details of the 25th Weekly Soon™, so let’s get down to it.
Server Move
If you’ve gotten online in the last two days, you probably would have seen a few bugs in the system that weren’t there before. This is because the admin team made the decision to move to another server to reduce costs. There should be no noticeable negative changes for the players from this point onward, but if something has been missed, let one of the admins know.
For the curious, Badlion officially dropped its support for all of the third-party servers it was sponsoring some time ago due to partnerships, which means that our server has had to look into reducing costs and gaining some form of income to alleviate it. This has come in the form of our server store and this week’s server move to name examples. We would like to stress that your support directly contributes to the continuation of the server as a whole and that we’re working on getting some new items in the store for you guys to have fun with. If you want to contribute, click the ‘Store’ link at the top of the page, where you’ll be able to find a selection of instruments, hats, and bending focus models for you to enjoy!
Lux’s Luminous Lottery
Due to the fact that there have been no entrants for this week’s raffle, no winner can be announced.
As a reminder, this coming week will be the last week of the raffle, so if you want to enter, now’s the time to do it! By spending three dollars or more you’re automatically entered into the raffle, and winning gives you the ability to choose something from the store for free! The raffle ends on Saturday at Midnight GMT, and the winner will be chosen in time for the following Weekly Soon™ as is standard. If you’re having issues with time-zones, here’s a World Clock Converter to help you.
Bending Moves
We regret to inform you that this month’s moves are being delayed. The bending design team has been extremely busy elsewhere and as such the deadline for the moves will not be met. Any further information we are provided will be released as and when it is given to us.
Bug Fixes
While the admin team has been fairly busy making sure that the server move goes off without a hitch, they still found time to fix bugs.
- Spawn egg vendors have finally gotten bored of their asinine prank, meaning that you don’t have to play roulette anymore when buying animal eggs!
That's all for this week, folks! Stay tuned for next week's Soon™!
2016-08-16 20:00:00 +0000 UTC by EvieAscendant
Hello, and welcome to the 24th Weekly Soon™! It’s been a fairly slow week, but as usual, we still have business to get down to!
Luxsidus’ Luminous Lottery
The winner of this week’s raffle is Porku! Congratulations! Please get in touch with Luxsidus to choose your reward.
Just to remind everyone – spending three dollars or more at the server store will automatically enter you for that week’s raffle. Participants have a chance to win an instrument or hat of their choice. The deadline is every Saturday at midnight GMT, and the winner is selected the day after. This raffle will only be running through August, so best get a move on if you want to enter! Having issues with time zones? Here, have a World Clock Converter to speed up the process.
Bug Fixes & Changes
The admin team has been hard at work this week doing things behind the scenes. Even still, they managed to fix some of those irksome bugs that have been found on the server.
- The /register system has been overhauled, making the process infinitely easier!
- The Fast Travel vendors will no longer take your money and run when you’re mounted on an animal, meaning that you can finally travel the world with your favorite horse!
I'm afraid that's all for this week, folks. Stay tuned for the next Weekly Soon™!
2016-08-08 21:00:00 +0000 UTC by BryArchitect & EvieAscendant
Hey it’s BryArchitect and Evie again! We have some exciting news for you!
Kyoshi ItemsHey, did you miss the grand opening of Kyoshi Island? Have you seen people running around with Kyoshi Warrior headpieces and fans? The historic Kyoshi set is still available in the store for two more days! Grab your headpiece and fan now, before they’re devoured by the Unagi!
Luxsidus' Luxurious LotteryThe winner of this week’s raffle is Jordan_The_Epic! Congratulations! Feel free to contact Luxsidus at any time to choose your reward.
Remember - anyone who has spent three dollars or more at the store has a chance to enter. Participants have a chance to win a fancy instrument or a hat of their choice. The deadline to enter is midnight GMT every Saturday, and winners will continue to be selected every Sunday throughout August.(If you're having issues with your timezone and GMT, use this useful World Clock converter.)
Bug FixesAnother week, another round of bug fixes! Our admins have been hard at work, making sure that the experience you get from the server is the best you can get. This week, we have a variety of combat and bending fixes for you to feast your eyes upon. Let’s get down to it!
- Players will no longer be able to glide after taking enough damage. This means that if you take a hit that deals at least one heart of damage, you will stop gliding. This is not cumulative, however - you will be able to take multiple hits as long as none of them hit the limit individually. It is also not permanent, as after ten seconds you will be able to glide once more.
- Pressing shift will only toggle swimming from now on. This means that you should no longer be able to toggle gliding using the shift key.
- Players will no longer regenerate damage during combat with any entity. This will last for ten seconds after you exit combat.
- If it is raining, it is now considered to be night in terms of bending - with all the bonuses that would bring for waterbenders. This means that firebenders will not get day buffs as long as it is raining, and waterbenders will get full night buffs (not full moon buffs). This can happen regardless of the time of day.
- The boss and mini-boss rooms in the Kazan Triad dungeon should now be resetting properly.
That's all for the week, folks! This is BryArchitect and Evie signing out. See you wonderful people next week.
2016-07-30 12:03:00 +0000 UTC by BryArchitect

Hello! It's BryArchitect bringing you head-topping news this week! Let's dive head in, shall we?
Hats! HATS!
Treat yourself to a fine selection of hats! While most of these will be introduced to the server as donor items, some will soon be found in the dungeons of the Avatar world. They will also be offered during tournaments and other events for those lucky enough to win them! Just remember – you too can look as fancy as a prince with our new stylish hat collection!
Store Raffle
Do you want a chance at getting one of the instruments or hats on display in the store? Thanks to Luxsidus, anyone spending three dollars or more in the store will be entered into a raffle. The winner of this will be able to choose any item from the store as their prize. This will be running weekly through August, with the first draw occurring on the 7th. It will be drawn every Sunday, so the deadline for entering the raffle is midnight GMT on Saturday. If you have your eye on a store item, now's the time to get it!
Kyoshi Island

Traveling around the South Seas? If you're seeing Elephant Koi, this may be why. That's right - Kyoshi Island is here! Stop by the village where the famous statue of Avatar Kyoshi is located. Catch some fish, eat some iced pastries and try to avoid the Unagi if you're planning to surf with the Elephant Koi. As this coincides with the hats release, a limited edition Kyoshi Warrior Headpiece and Fan has been made available - it’ll last a week, so be sure to grab it before it disappears! Onward to Kyoshi Island!
Shiny Bending Focus!
Hey, what's that shiny thing in the distance? Oooh! It's the new bending focus! Our wonderful SxyToad will be adding more bending focuses. They'll be sleeker, shinier and fancier too! Everyone will now bend out there with a stylish new focus.
All this hype got me riled up! See you guys next week! BryArchitect signing out!
2016-07-24 05:00:00 +0000 UTC by IdahoSciGuy & EvieAscendant

Welcome to the 21st Weekly Soon™! Idaho and Evie here with this week’s blog. There’s a fair amount of content to go through, so let’s get straight down to business, shall we?
New Server Store!
This week, we have something a bit different for you. After last week’s wordapalooza, we’re continuing to bring cool new things to our very own little slice of the Avatar world. This week, the server will get its own store! Don’t worry, though. Gameplay elements will never be monetized, and we’re more adamant about this than Iroh is on breathing techniques. Instead, the store will be selling items like hats, wearables, cosmetic weapons (these won’t affect gameplay), and other odds and ends that’ll really trick out your character while you play! To begin with, we’re debuting something that not many other servers have ventured into – Instruments!
The musical heritage of the Avatar world is both extensive and varied, something that is evident in the way that the show’s creators used cultural inspiration in their musical compositions and style. In celebration of this, we’ll be introducing a few of those instruments on the server! To begin with, we are providing five incredible instruments for you to play around with: the Guqin, the Erhu, the Drum, the Flute, and a novelty flute that should look very familiar! Each of these options are availble for purchase now on the server website!
Also debuting with these instruments is a donation option for the server. By donating, you get to say that you’re supporting your favorite server, and your money goes to helping us take care of all the miscellaneous costs of running a server like ours! Keep your eyes on the blog, as we’ll be adding new items all the time, and we’ll make sure you hear about them right here on the Weekly Soon™! For now, head to Avatarmc.buycraft.net to see the available instruments or to donate. Enjoy!
Swimming Changes!
Ever wondered why your player model was still standing upon entering the water, or even worse, still standing while using a move like Dolphin Dive? Well, we did too. That’s why, from now on, if you check out your character in third-person mode they’ll be paddling along just like they’re supposed to be. To activate, simply press the shift key when you are fully submerged in water! This will extend for a few seconds when you breach the surface, meaning that you can pull off some seriously nice-looking stunts like jumping through hoops and doing flips. Be warned though, Elytra cannot be worn while swimming, so make sure to take yours off before hopping in the water!
Combat Health Regen!
War never changes. Except when it does! We’re introducing a new player state to the server. When in combat (specifically when hit by another player), health regen for the attacker will stop for ten seconds before continuing, even at full hunger! This enhances the PvP aspect of bending, and it enables you to fight quicker and more skill-based battles. This should certainly make wars more exciting! It should also increase the viability of healing moves in fighting, allowing for more diversity on the battlefield (looking at you, waterbenders!).
Player of the Month!
Our Player of the Month contest for the month of July has ended! Thanks to all those who submitted to us their pick for this honor! This month was have quite a list of players to choose from, so you know our decision is going to be a hard one. Still, as we do that, we are now starting the August contest! If you have a nomination for Player of the Month, please message IdahoSciGuy in game, or send a nifty little email to writing
avatarmc .com with your pick! Remember, Chat Mods, Moderators, Team Leaders, and Admins are ineligible, so choose wisely!
Apply for Communication Team!
Do you have a love of writing? Can you spin a web of tales that’ll keep audiences at the edge of their seats, wanting more? If so, our very own Communication Team wants to talk to you! We are currently raising our banners and looking for budding writers to help in giving the community exciting information and content! If interested, head on over to https://www.avatarmc.com/apply/writing for any extra information you might need, and to submit an application!
Bug Fix
We did a TON of bug fixes last week, and to save their sanity we had our fixer monkeys take a break for a bit to rest. Still, they managed to pump out a fix here for your perusal:
- Sampling of block type has been fixed for Earthbenders, specifically on Earth Blast and Boulder Toss.
- Fixed EarthShockwave destruction.
That’s it for this week! Stay tuned for the next Weekly Soon™! On a side note, be sure to check out the event announcement on the Front Page!