Weekly Soon™ - Week 36: Dreaming of an AvatarMC Christmas

2017-12-16 20:24:38 +0000 UTC by EvieAscendant

Season's greetings! I'm your friendly neighborhood announcement aficionado, and this is Jackass a Christmas event!


The Christmas Castle Direct Link


Complete mini-games to earn festive snowflakes, and use them to purchase our event rewards! Find the villager by the Christmas tree in your capital to get there!ER

Rewards VendorCandy Cane Focus15 Snowflakes
Elf Hat15 Snowflakes
Christmas Decoration VendorVarious Decorations1 Snowflake each

List of things to do:

  • Snowball FPS - We've created a fun mini-game for everyone to take part in. Best results for this gamemode are with FoV set to 'Quake Pro'. Sign-ups are located at the bottom of the Castle staircase.
  • Quest ‘Helper Hunt’: Help Leonardo find his elf helper friends! They must be somewhere.
  • Dropper - Take the lift towards the mountain to jump straight back down again in this vertigo-inducing dance with death.
  • Santa Mini-Boss - Santa's mad, and he's not giving out coal this year. Best take him on in groups, or the results will be ho-ho-horrible. Fight him in the Castle.
  • Christmas Tree Parkour - Jump your way up to the top of the tree and find your presents in this upside-down extraordinaire. Find the tree by heading to the staircase - you should be able to see it from there.
  • Snow Maze - Make your way through this freezing maze for frosty prizes. To get here, head left from where you spawn in.
  • Hedge Maze - Make your way through these leafy twists and turns, and maybe help a family of penguins along the way - by reuniting a mother with her children. To get here, continue heading left from the Snow Maze.

Weekly Soon™ - Week 35: Attack of the Killer Maze

2017-10-30 22:02:04 +0000 UTC by EvieAscendant

Spooky salutations! Evie here with a few things to go over, and, who knows - you might enjoy some of these!

An AMAZEing Occurence Direct Link

A spooky building

The full moon rises,The scarecrows sing.From the ground a maze does spring,And with it lots of prizes.A tale of fun with scares in store,Beware of getting lost, forevermore.

A mysterious house has appeared in Republic City, and the people sent to investigate haven't returned. Why not try your luck?

Pet Cosmetics pricing changes Direct Link

Some time ago, we added cosmetic features to pets to our store.Having received player feedback, we understand that the initial values were set too high. These items are henceforth reduced as follows:

  • Toggling Baby on Pets: $9.99$1.99
  • Renaming Pets: $6.99$1.99

Alongside this, they're also combined as a package deal, which costs $2.99. Please note that these features will still last for six months, as mentioned in the item descriptions.

Check out what we have to offer in our store!

Clarification of policy Direct Link

Keeping the global chat clean

As a conclusion to this topic, we would like to introduce a new rule to clear up some confusions:

2.11 - Keep the global chat clean

ExplanationWe understand conversations can heat up and become rather emotional. However, conversations that are heated or too aggressive in global chat may scare off new players or annoy long-time players.


  • If you and your conversation partner(s) are fine with having this conversation, please use local/pm/tm/tn chats in order to converse in a more private manner.

With regards to mayor and/or king replacements

We're also aware of concerns regarding mayor and/or king replacements in a town or nation. Players have, for example, requested us to refund their mayorship as a new mayor didn't hold on to the agreements they made together.

In the past, we used to act and judge on this. However, situations started to get increasingly complex, and it soon became impossible for us to figure out who the rightful owner of the town or nation really was.

For this reason, we instigated a policy change back in 2015. This policy change was however not documented for newer members of our community and since presumably this could fall under the rule of scamming, we have expanded upon the clarification of that rule to explain the following:


  • When the current mayor appoints a new mayor, they hand over the entire town to them. This also counts for nations and kings. Therefore, you can't ask the staff to give you your mayor or king rank back.

Miscellaneous Fixes Direct Link

  • Fixed bounties not showing due to offline targets that first joined after v0.4.1
  • The concrete recipe now correctly gives eight powder, rather than one.
  • The recipe for Polished Granite now works correctly again.
  • Baby sheep no longer have absentee parents after being bred.
  • Fixed the undo on Fire Torch.
  • Fixed various bending-undo bugs.
  • Added some new bugs to keep the QA team busy.

Changelog - September 24th

2017-09-24 20:27:38 +0000 UTC by EvieAscendant

As an addition to the content released two weeks ago, the team has been hard at work to improve your experience while playing on the server. So, let's go through these changes!

  • You'll now receive messages when friends/town members die, configurable with /broadcasts.
  • Fixed item frame issue with Fire Wall.
  • New move icons for:
    • Wind Slam
    • Sandstorm
    • Solar Burst
    • High Tide
    • Lemur Distract
    • Lemur Gather Food
    • Pet Desummon
    • Pet Follow Master
    • Pet Guard Master
    • Pet Guard Area
    • Pet Wait
    • Turtle Duck Boost
    • Turtle Duck Egg
  • Rule #1.1 updated to include responsible disclosure.
  • Fixed the name of High Tide in-game (previously High tide).
  • Fixed bug with 0001's Boss Room.
  • Polar Bear Dog is now a Polar Bear entity.
  • Improved portals in the Boiling Rock.
  • Fixed holograms in the Cosmos.
  • Fixed "already being logged in" when kicked from a server.
  • Re-added hologram for gaining 0XP.
  • Fixed targeting issue with Water Area Heal.
  • Fixed duplicate player bounty pickups.
  • New animals added to the market.
    • Parrot
    • Llama
    • Polar Bear

And that's all for now, folks! If you find any bugs, please report them on the forum, under Bugs & Reports!

Weekly Soon™ - Week 34: Planet of the Updates

2017-09-08 23:43:25 +0000 UTC by EvieAscendant

Greetings and salutations, and welcome to the 34th Weekly Soon™! While the team hasn't exactly been forthcoming regarding updates, we're here today to announce AvatarMC v0.4.1! Might want to buckle up - this Unagi-sized update will be one hell of a ride!

Many thanks to our friend in the stars for corrections. ~Writing Team

TL;DR:Version 1.12.1, Bending Reworks, Super Moves, Mini Dungeons, and QOL Changes!

Minecraft 1.12.1 Direct Link

As naturally we like to get the biggest news done first, the server is transitioning from version 1.9 to version 1.12.1 today, so make sure you upgrade your clients, or you won't be able to play. This update will introduce a lot of the features from the versions we've skipped, including mobs and the new building blocks! If you find a bug or feel that a feature is missing, please report them via the forum.

New Moves - Supers Direct Link

These moves will be unlocked at your Bending Master once you hit Level 25, so get to hitting those dungeons!

  • Airbending: Wind Slam - Pull in enemies, then repeatedly slam them into the ground.
  • Waterbending: High Tide - Create a swirling vortex of water, pulling in enemies and dealing damage.
  • Earthbending: Sandstorm - Terraform nearby earth into sand, doing damage alongside inflicting blindness and slowness on all players inside it.
  • Firebending: Solar Burst - Obliterate nearby enemies by surrounding yourself with a sphere of fire.

Air Direct Link

For quite some time now, Airbenders have been feeling rather lackluster in combat - particularly in dungeons, due to their low damage, as well as their reliance on fall damage. Ideally, these changes will allow them to better capitalize on their evasiveness, deal more damage (mostly to mobs), and better secure fall damage on their enemies.

Air Armor

  • Absorption Hearts removed.
  • 100% damage Resistance added.
  • Duration reduced from 15s to 2s.
  • Cooldown reduced from 50s to 18s.

Air Bolt

  • Now deals 20 damage to mobs (increased from 10).

Air Burst

  • Now deals 40 damage to mobs (increased from 15).

Air Dodge

  • Now provides 1s of 100% damage Resistance.

Air Geyser

  • Now deals 10 damage to players (20 to mobs) per knock-up.

Air Gust

  • Now deals 30 damage to mobs (increased from 10).

Air Kick

  • Now deals 50 damage to mobs (increased from 25).

Air Shock

  • Now deals 30 damage to mobs (increased from 15).
  • Now slams targets back down to the ground after 750ms.

Air Spear

  • Now deals 20 damage to players (40 to mobs).
  • Now deals an additional 2% of a player's health as damage.
  • New Shift Variant: Shift + Click will now launch a slightly slower projectile that will spike targets downwards.

Air Twister

  • Now deals 5 damage to players (10 to mobs) per tick.
  • New Shift Variant: Shift + Click will now pull targets towards you.

Fire Direct Link

We've taken a look at Firebending, and found that it didn't particularly feel 'unique'. It has effectively been serving as a "let's just deal ridiculous damage" element with nothing really special about it. As such, it has been given a bit of an overhaul, in the form of damage Falloff. In short, Fire moves will deal less damage if used at longer ranges.

Fire BallWithin 10m:

  • 20 Player (75 to mobs) damage, as well as an additional 4% of the target's health.
  • It has a knockback power of 2, and has a 3m Radius on impact.

From 10m to 20m:

  • The damage is reduced to 15 Player (50 to mobs), and the percentage damage is reduced to 3%.
  • Knockback power is 1.5, and it has a 2m Radius on impact.

From 20m to 40m:

  • The damage is further reduced to 10 Player (25 to mobs), with the percentage damage reduced to 2%.
  • Knockback power is reduced to 1, and has only a 1m Radius on impact.

Fire Blast WaveA failsafe has been added in the event of its use in midair, which will refund the Energy cost and prevent it from going on cooldown.

Within 3m:

  • 20 damage (30 during daytime).

From 3m to 5m:

  • 10 damage (20 during daytime).

(Day Only) From 5m to 7m:

  • 10 damage.

Flame BlastWithin 3m:

  • 15 Player (35 to mobs) damage (increased from 10).

From 3m to 9m:

  • 8 Player (20 to mobs) damage.

From 9m to 15m:

  • 5 Player (12 to mobs) damage.

Flame ShotWithin 10m:

  • 15 Player (20 to mobs) damage, doubled if headshot (increased from 10).

From 10m to 20m:

  • 8 Player (11 to mobs) damage. doubled if headshot.

From 20m to 40m:

  • 5 Player (8 to mobs) damage, doubled if headshot.

Flame SlashWithin 4m:

  • 10 Player (15 to mobs) damage.
  • Increased to 12 Player (20 for mobs) if headshot.
  • 30 Energy on hit.
  • Increased to 50 Energy if headshot.

From 4m to 7m:

  • 8 Player (13 to mobs) damage.
  • Increased to 10 Player (18 for mobs) if headshot.
  • 30 Energy on hit.
  • Increased to 45 Energy if headshot.

From 7m to 10m:

  • 5 Player (10 to mobs) damage.
  • Increased to 6 Player (15 for mobs) if headshot.
  • 20 Energy on hit.
  • Increased to 35 Energy if headshot.

New Shift Variant:

  • Shift + Click to use.
  • Requires at least 50 Energy.
  • 4s Cooldown.
  • 20m Range.
  • 25% faster projectile speed.
  • 2s Burn on target.
  • 20 Player (40 to mobs) damage.

Flare BlitzFlare Blitz was pretty unreliable beforehand. These changes should allow for far more accurate damage. They should also encourage Firebenders to close gaps with it, in order to capitalize on their newfound range-limited damage.

  • Optimization should allow for more reliable targeting.
  • Cost reduced from 100 Energy to 60.

In Flight:

  • 5 Player (10 to mobs) damage + 1s Burn per 50ms.
    • Additional 5 damage during the daytime.
  • After 1s, the caster "explodes".


  • 4m Radius.
  • 15 Player (30 to mobs) damage.
    • Additional 5 damage during the daytime, 10 for High Noon.

Fire Bomb

  • Fixed a formatting error which resulted in High Noon damage being the same as regular day. It now properly applies +10 bonus rather than +5.

Dragon of the WestDragon of the West wasn't quite good enough to warrant the high level it requires. To remedy this, we've taken measures to make the ability much more rewarding to use.

  • Damage per tick increased from 10 to 20.
  • Bonus 10 damage per tick during the day, 20 for High Noon.
  • Reduced drain rate by 10%.
  • Increased FoV of attack by 33%.

Fire JetFire Jet has been completely reworked - we believe this has removed the bugs that plagued the previous versions.

  • Requires at least 50 Energy (decreased from 60).
  • If used while standing, the player will launch into the air before starting flight.
  • Consumes 80 Energy per second (40 after standard regeneration is taken into account), increased from 50.
  • Will cancel if the player takes at least 20 damage.
  • 3s Cooldown.
  • 1.5s of Fall Protection following the move's end.

New Shift Variant:

  • Can only be used while standing on the ground.
  • Shift + Click will launch the player in the direction they're facing in, similar to Dolphin Dive, Air Jump and Earth Catapult.
  • On use, enemies within 3m of the player will be set on fire for 2s and knocked back.
  • Additionally, the player gains 7s of Fall Protection.

Fire Kick

  • Fixed a formatting error that resulted in High Noon damage being the same as regular day. It now properly applies +30 bonus rather than +10.
  • The move will now do an additional 3% of a player's health as damage on a successful hit.

Fire Torch

  • 5m Radius of blindness for 4s at both player and target location.

Adjusted Shift Variant:

  • Shift + Click on Netherrack will now ignite the block.

Water Direct Link

Water has generally been in a fairly good spot, which is why they have mostly received some bug fixes and healing changes.

Water Area Heal

  • Cooldown increased from 30s to 60s.


  • Healing changed from 25 HP to 25% of a target's HP.


  • Healing changed from 20 HP to 20% of a target's HP.


  • Healing changed from 30 HP to 30% of a target's HP.

Ranged Source:

  • Healing changed from 20 HP to 20% of a target's HP.

Water Healing

  • Cooldown increased from 30s to 60s.


  • Healing changed from 25 HP to 25% of the player's HP.


  • Healing changed from 20 HP to 20% of the player's HP.


  • Healing changed from 30 HP to 30% of the player's HP.

Ranged Source:

  • Healing changed from 20 HP to 20% of the player's HP.

Water Blast

  • Fixed a formatting error in which Full Moon damage was the same as regular night.


  • +15 instead of +10 during a Full Moon.


  • +10 instead of +5 during a Full Moon.


  • +15 instead of +10 during a Full Moon.

Ranged Source:

  • +10 instead of +5 during a Full Moon.

Water Bolt

  • Fixed a formatting error in which Full Moon damage was the same as regular night.


  • +5 bonus damage during a Full Moon.


  • +5 bonus damage during a Full Moon.


  • +10 bonus damage during a Full Moon.


  • +5 bonus damage during a Full Moon.

Phase ChangeThis move now has a new function when used underwater! It will now encase the player in a 1-block thick sphere for 1s, with a Radius of 3m.


  • Fixed a formatting error in which Full Moon damage was the same as regular night.


  • +10 bonus damage during a Full Moon.


  • +10 bonus damage during a Full Moon.


  • +20 bonus damage during a Full Moon.

Ranged Source:

  • +10 bonus damage during a Full Moon.

Steam ExplosionThis move now has a new function when used in water! It will now produce an immediate AoE attack, which deals 6% of a target's HP as damage. It has a knockback power of 1.

  • Damage changed from 5 Player (10 to mobs) and +5 bonus at night to 2% of a target's HP per tick.

Water Whip

  • Fixed a formatting error in which Full Moon damage was the same as regular night.


  • +15 bonus damage during a Full Moon.


  • +15 bonus damage during a Full Moon.


  • +20 bonus damage during a Full Moon.


  • +15 bonus damage during a Full Moon.

Earth Direct Link

Earthbending has received a major overhaul, courtesy of our only friendly neighborhood earthbender, martdamp. Here's the full list of changes:

Moves will no longer go on cooldown when standing on a non-bendable block.
New Earthbendable Materials
Cobble WallCoal Block
End StoneSandstone Stairs
BrickBrick Stairs
Nether BrickNether Brick Stairs
Nether Brick FencesCobblestone Stairs
FarmlandAll slab versions of Earthbendable blocks

Earth WallChanged shape to look more like a wall, and reduced complexity - now only has a normal variant and a shift variant.


  • Costs 100 Energy.
  • Large wall.


  • Costs 50 Energy.
  • Smaller wall.

Earth CatapultAdded a shift variant for a smaller jump. Normal variant has a 5s cooldown, reduced to 3s for the shift variant.

Earth Dodge

  • Script cleanup.
  • Cost reduced to 20 Energy.

Earth Coin

  • Now gives 25 Energy back properly.
  • Reduced to 2 shift variants - one for 0-199 and another for 200-400..
  • Higher cooldowns - 4s and 5s respectively.
  • Increased damage from 15 to 30 and 40 respectively.

Earth Blast

  • Now gives 25 Energy back properly.
  • Removed the old method of using without standing on an earthbendable block.

Pebble Daze

  • Now gives back 10 and 50 Energy for normal hits and headshots respectively.
  • Now does percentage damage alongside normal damage:
    • 5 + 3% for a normal shot.
    • 20 + 5% for a headshot.
    • 10 + 3% for a shift normal shot.
    • 30 + 5% for a shift headshot.

Pebble Gatling Gun

  • Will now shoot immediately when used.
  • Will now cancel when the player takes at least 25 damage.
  • Each hit gives you 10 and 25 Energy for normal shots and headshots respectively.
  • Headshots now deal 10 damage.

Earth Shackle

  • Now only usable while standing on a source block.

Seismic Sense

  • Will now check if the player is standing on earth before applying effects.
  • Radius increased to 50m with normal variant, 30m with the shift variant.
  • 20s Cooldown.

Earth Cage

  • Will now sample the cage blocks from the source the player is standing on upon use.

Earth ArmorCover yourself in earth to provide bonus protection (Energy Stage). Click while standing on a block to use.

Stats:Stage 1 (0-99 Energy, shift + 0-199 Energy):

  • 10s Absorption X (Shift gives XV).
  • 15s CD.
  • Costs 100 Energy.

Stage 2 (100-199 Energy, shift + 200-400 Energy):

  • 15s Absorption XV (Shift gives XX).
  • 15s Fire Resistance (Does not apply with shift).
  • 20s CD.
  • Costs 200 Energy.

Stage 3 (200-299 Energy):

  • 20s Absorption XX.
  • 20s Fire Resistance I.
  • 20s damage Resistance I.
  • 25s CD.
  • Costs 300 Energy.

Stage 4 (300-400 Energy):

  • 25s Absorption XXV.
  • 25s Fire Resistance I.
  • 25s damage Resistance I.
  • 30s Cooldown.
  • Costs 400 Energy.

Boulder TossThrow a boulder which can modify the landscape on impact (Energy Stage). Click while standing on a source block for an early stage, or click a source block and aim at all stages.

Stats:Stage 1 (0-99 Energy, shift + 0-199 Energy):

  • 2m Radius.
  • 15 damage.
  • Slowness I for 3s on targets.
  • Costs 100 Energy.

Stage 2 (100-199 Energy, shift + 200-400 Energy):

  • 2m Radius.
  • 20 damage.
  • Slowness I for 3s on targets.
  • Costs 200 Energy.

Stage 3 (200-299 Energy):

  • 4m Radius.
  • 25 damage.
  • Slow II for 3s on targets.
  • Costs 300 Energy.

Stage 4 (300-400 Energy):

  • 5m Radius.
  • 35 damage.
  • Slowness III for 3s on targets.
  • Costs 400 Energy.


  • Destruction reverts after 10s.
  • 5s Cooldown.

Earth Ground BreakerRaise earth only to smash it down. Grows slower & stronger with more Energy (Energy Stage). Click an earth source block to use.

Stats:Stage 1 (0-99 Energy, shift + 0-199 Energy):

  • Very Fast.
  • 3m Radius (4m for shift).
  • 10 player damage.
  • 20 mob damage.
  • Slowness I for 2s on targets.
  • 5% max health damage.
  • Costs 100 Energy.

Stage 2 (100-199 Energy, shift + 200-400 Energy):

  • Fast.
  • 4m Radius (5m for shift).
  • 15 player damage.
  • 30 mob damage.
  • Slow II for 2s on targets.
  • 5% max health damage.
  • Costs 100 Energy.

Stage 3 (200-299 Energy):

  • Moderate.
  • 6m Radius.
  • 20 player damage.
  • 40 mob damage.
  • Slow II for 2s on targets.
  • 5% max health damage.
  • Costs 300 Energy.

Stage 4 (300-400 Energy):

  • Slow.
  • 7m Radius.
  • 25 player damage.
  • 50 mob damage.
  • Slow II for 2s on targets.
  • 5% max health damage.
  • Costs 400 Energy.

Earth ShatterProduce a directed ripple in front of you, damaging foes (Energy Stage). Click while standing on a source block.

Stats:Stage 1 (0-99 Energy, shift + 0-199 Energy):

  • 5m range.
  • 3m Radius on projectile.
  • 15 damage.
  • Costs 100 Energy.

Stage 2 (100-199 Energy, shift + 200-400 Energy):

  • 7m range.
  • 3m Radius on projectile.
  • 15 damage to players.
  • 25 damage to mobs.
  • Costs 200 Energy.

Stage 3 (200-299 Energy):

  • 11m range.
  • 3m Radius on projectile.
  • 20 damage to players.
  • 35 damage to mobs.
  • Costs 300 Energy.

Stage 4 (300-400 Energy):

  • 15m range.
  • 4m Radius on projectile.
  • 25 damage to players.
  • 50 damage to mobs.
  • Costs 400 Energy.

All Stages:

  • 6s CD

Earth ShockwaveCreates a wave of earth around you (Energy Stage). Click while standing on a source block.

Stats:Stage 1 (0-99 Energy, shift + 0-199 Energy):

  • 3m Radius.
  • 10 damage.
  • Costs 100 Energy.

Stage 2 (100-199 Energy, shift + 200-400 Energy):

  • 4m Radius.
  • 20 damage.
  • Costs 200 Energy.

Stage 3 (200-299 Energy):

  • 5m Radius.
  • 35 damage.
  • Applies Slowness I for 3s on targets.
  • Costs 300 Energy.

Stage 4 (300-400 Energy):

  • 6m Radius.
  • 45 damage.
  • Applies Slow II for 5s on targets.
  • Costs 400 Energy.All Stages:
  • 3s Cooldown.

Dungeons Direct Link

Code Clean-upExisting dungeons have been extensively cleaned up, meaning that they will now fully utilise the new features of our scripting plugin - making them simpler and more easily maintainable code-wise. This reduces the difficulty in creating future extensions or bug fixes.

New Mini DungeonsAlongside this update, we're releasing two MDs for players to go through - one near Gaipan, and one near Ba Sing Se!

Li's Base: 15417x 35y 8902z Levels 4-7

Ryu's Campfire: 19465x 38y 7184z Levels 20-23

Pets Direct Link

Pets have received some small balance changes, which are:

  • The Fire Ferret's healing ability has been buffed up to 10 HP at Level 1, increasing by 5 per level.
    • Additionally, the Fire Ferret will give the player an increased amount of fish, adding one per level.
  • The Turtle Duck gives the player an increased amount of bonus hearts, starting at 8 HP and gaining a further 8 per every level.
    • Additionally, the Turtle Duck gives out more eggs, now giving out 3 plus a further 2 per level.
  • The Lemur gives out more bread, starting with 1 and rising to 2 at levels 2 through 3, rising to 3 at levels 4 through 5.

Alongside these changes, bug fixes have been applied:

  • When you mount a pet, you can now see its health as in vanilla.
  • Pets no longer show "This is not your pet" twice when interacting with someone else's pet.
  • When you use a pet move requiring it to be active without first activating the pet, moves will no longer go on cooldown.
  • When you use a pet move, it will no longer put the rest of their moves on cooldown.
  • You can now ride your pet through the spirit portals.

Miscellaneous Changes Direct Link

  • You'll now get messages in chat when friends and town members join/leave the game, configurable with /broadcasts.
  • You can now opt-in to messages through /broadcasts which allow you to see when players leave the spawn area.
  • Made portals less glitchy in cluttered areas.

Weekly Soon™ - Week 33: Fire Lord Zuko's Home for Immersive Ideas

2017-07-26 21:43:19 +0000 UTC by EvieAscendant

Welcome to the 33rd Weekly Soon™! We've got a few nice things to go over this week, so let's not waste any time!

Moderation Changes Direct Link

Following discussions with the moderator team, restrictions on mods joining nations are being relaxed. This is currently a trial run, so we welcome your feedback. Post your suggestions and thoughts on the forums!

Bending Move Sneak Peek III - Did Someone Say Napalm? Direct Link

Next up in our sneak peeks, a fire move! Introducing the Rain of Fire, for when you absolutely need to burn them all. For maximum effect, make sure the enemy is downwind and that there is a drought. Their defenses will burn to a crisp in minutes.

General Fixes Direct Link

  • A welcome message has been implemented and is shown upon logging on. It includes a timer for how long the server will be up until restart.
  • You can now withdraw/deposit decimal points in yuans to your town and/or nation!
  • You can now withdraw/deposit all of your money at once, using /town [deposit/withdraw] all or /nation [deposit/withdraw] all!