AvatarMC Soon™ - Issue 129: Anniversary, Part Two

2025-02-08 20:42:23 +0000 UTC by QuietDove

As our 10th anniversary celebration continues, we've been enjoying seeing and reading all of your memories over the last decade of AvatarMC.

And now that we're into February, we have a couple of announcements to make...

Picture Perfect Direct Link

Thank you to everyone who submitted a screenshot for our competition. It was tough to judge, but we're delighted to announce three screenshots that we feel capture the true spirit of AvatarMC.

Congratulations to Adamte, GreyishCloud, and Evie! As a prize, you will all receive an item of your choice from the server store, up to a value of 10 USD. Please contact your friendly neighbourhood Mod or Admin for more details.

Screenshot competition submission of Fire Nation Capital, made by Adamte

First Night at FNC by Adamte
"I think this might be actually one of my very first screenshots ever taken on AMC. When I joined AMC a couple of years ago, I only had an old laptop that could barely run the game. Yet, I managed to run it with shaders occassionally, although lagging, only to see how it looks. It was for the first time ever I was using shaders in MC in general. I had no idea sun and moon actually create shadows and lights on the sky. When I teleported to FNC and saw the sunset over the Royal Palace, I almost wept with how unbelievably beautiful the view was. Because ATLA itself has a lot of beautiful background arts with vibrant colors, I thought I really did teleport to the ATLA world itself - which is something I haven't experienced anywhere else other than on AMC, and that's what makes this server so special."

This stunning shot of the Fire Nation Capital at night is a beautiful tribute to one of the earliest scale builds that was completed by our Build Team.

Screenshot competition submission of study room, made by GreyishCloud

Grey's Study by GreyishCloud
"It is in this very room I document my observations on server events"

One of our favourite aspects of the AvatarMC community is the lengths that players go in order to document server events. Everything from wars and elections, to inter-nation drama, to the outcomes of bending tournaments. This can take the form of long-lasting documents, or it can be as simple as something being written in a book.

GreyishCloud's submission of his own personal library really nicely illustrates this side of the server.

Screenshot competition submission of players wearing matching skull heads, made by Evie

Bathing in the Void by Evie
"I have a few screenshots but this seemed a solid choice 🤭 from the highest point in AMC's formerly most impenetrable city, Dragonstone"

With how long the server has been going, it's no surprise that friendships have been forged here. This submission from Evie shows one particular group bathing in a pool of, erm, End Portal (not very canon...).

We enjoyed the casual and laid-back nature of this image, showing that not everything we do has to be grand and flashy! It is also definitive proof that skulls don't have to be scary!

It's Time to Fight! Direct Link

The Earth Rumble Arena in Gaoling

We are also delighted to announce that the AvatarMC Bending Tournament is back for an anniversary special!

Take part in this knockout tournament against your fellow players for the chance to take home the top prize and win yourself a place in the Hall of Fame for all eternity!

The event will take place on Saturday, February 15 at 19:00 UTC. We suggest using World Time Buddy to work out exactly when this is in your time zone.

Registration Direct Link

To register for the tournament, please join the AvatarMC Discord server, and sign up in #event-signup. You can always sign up at the event, but you may not be paired with someone who best matches your skill level — so sign up as soon as you can!

To sync your Minecraft player name with our Discord, create an AvatarMC account by typing /register while on the Minecraft server. Once you have the account set up, go to discord.avatarmc.com and log in with your newly-created credentials. This will link your AvatarMC account to Discord and enable the Players role.

If you can't make it to the tournament after signing up, please delete your sign-up and/or notify a tournament volunteer for day-of cancellations. Failing to do this could result in sanctions.

Tournament FAQs Direct Link

Am I limited to the bending I chose?

No! The tournament will take place off of the main server and is accessible by typing /server event once the event is open for joining. You will be able to select any bending you wish and can change it at any point before the tournament officially starts. The Event Server will be open 30 minutes before the tournament starts to allow players time to pick. Please note that you cannot change your bending style mid-tournament!

Will there be elytras?

At the moment, we have decided to not provide elytras for players to use. These can be used to avoid combat completely by Airbenders and serve no purpose in battle since they are disabled after taking damage.

Will we be able to eat to heal during the match?

No. In the past when we've allowed food and healing, matches lasted far longer than anyone felt was enjoyable. Because of that, health restoration from eating will be disabled. However, you will be able to eat while outside the arena and water healing moves will be allowed.

Will there be stats and levels?

Just like on the main server, you will have stat points to allocate by typing /c. You will be automatically set to max level and have all moves available from the moment you select a bending type. You can reset your stats throughout the tournament to change your build by speaking to the stat spirit near spawn.

Rewards Direct Link

Everyone who signs up for the tournament and participates without missing any matches will receive a participation prize. This will consist of 32 spirit essence and four decorative heads. Winners will receive these as well.

  • First Place: 250,000¥ + A very special new prize!
  • Second Place: 150,000¥
  • Third Place: 75,000¥
  • Fourth Place: 50,000¥

We hope to see you there on Saturday, February 15 at 19:00 UTC.

Sign-off Direct Link

That's all for this blogpost! Thanks again for all of your support, and please keep posting your memories and screenshots on the Discord server.
