Hello there. We've got a healthy selection of patches for you to sink your teeth into today.
Firstly though, we would just like to say how great it is to see the increased player counts we've had for the last few weeks. This is no doubt due to various quarantines and lockdowns giving us all a bit more time to play on the server, but we hope you all stick around once things get back to normal.
Now, onto the patches:
Our dev team wizards have been working hard to improve certain aspects of performance on the server. Much of this work revolves around moving reading and writing data, as well as expensive calculations to separate threads. This should help to reduce lag and generally give you an improved play experience.
I will now try to briefly explain what has been done to achieve this:
function has been optimized, with functions such as the initial "where is the player standing" search happening asynchronously, and limiting the amount of alternatives to consider.If you would like more information on exactly what all this means, then talk to our magical admin, GuoKao. Please be aware that he may try to recruit you into his server development cult if you show the slightest bit of interest in this!
/cosmetic hats
./nav cancel
./t create
command. Previously, you could only see kills that you could claim, but now it will show the skulls you can collect as well.That concludes the patch notes. If you notice any bugs, please let an admin know, or post it in the 'Bug report' chat on our Discord server.
We are delighted to say that several new team members have been recruited in recent weeks. We would like to wish them all a warm welcome and appreciate what they do, as well as team members who have been around for longer.
If you are interested in potentially joining the team, please go onto the Apply page, which can be found at the top of the screen.
Thank you for reading.