AvatarMC Soon™ - Issue 62: PiggyBack Archery 3: The Third one

2020-04-30 19:10:13 +0000 UTC by TurboClicks
Event: PiggyBack Archery // AvatarMC Discord Direct Link

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, you've read that right. AvatarMC's very own RIDE ’em GUIDE ’em SHOOT ’em event is making another comeback—this time less than a year has passed instead of four—and it's better than ever. Come one, come all, come try your luck in this team-based challenge!

How to Play Direct Link

In this version of Tournament, players form teams of two, deciding amongst themselves who will be the runner and who will be the rider. The runner will carry their partner on their shoulders during the tournament. Runners possess speed and healing abilities while riders can shoot from near and from afar.

There'll be many suspense-filled matches in this medieval-style tournament, with teams facing off in several rounds of combat, continuing until one team of players reigns victorious. There will be an additional bracket for those who get knocked out of the running for the top spots—so if you die early, stay for another chance to win a prize!

Note: If, for any reason, a player hops off of their teammate while fighting, this will be considered a forfeit.

Date and Sign Up Direct Link

The event will take place an hour earlier than recent events and will be on Saturday, May 2 at 19:00 UTC. Please use your trusty search engine or World Time Buddy to find exactly what time this is in your time-zone.

Please join the Discord and note your team's player names in the #signup channel under the Events section. You can always sign up at the event, but doing so on Discord helps us get an idea of how many players to expect!

Note: Due to the recent announcement of this event, we will likely start 15-30 minutes later just so we can place teams signing up at the door fairly in the bracket.

Rewards Direct Link

Of course, the part you've all been waiting for with bated breath. The prizes for this event are as follows:

1st Place: One cosmetic worth $5 USD or less per teammate2nd Place ¥100,000 of in-game cash per teammate3rd Place: ¥50,000 of in-game cash per teammateAll Participants: Six mystery decorative heads

So there you have it! Which team will have the coordination and, most importantly, the aim with which to succeed? If you have any questions regarding the event, you can ask in our Discord or message a moderator in-game.

We hope you join us on Saturday, May 2 at 19:00 UTC.AvatarMC Discord