Weekly Soon™ - Week 35: Attack of the Killer Maze

2017-10-30 22:02:04 +0000 UTC by EvieAscendant

Spooky salutations! Evie here with a few things to go over, and, who knows - you might enjoy some of these!

An AMAZEing Occurence Direct Link

A spooky building

The full moon rises,The scarecrows sing.From the ground a maze does spring,And with it lots of prizes.A tale of fun with scares in store,Beware of getting lost, forevermore.

A mysterious house has appeared in Republic City, and the people sent to investigate haven't returned. Why not try your luck?

Pet Cosmetics pricing changes Direct Link

Some time ago, we added cosmetic features to pets to our store.Having received player feedback, we understand that the initial values were set too high. These items are henceforth reduced as follows:

  • Toggling Baby on Pets: $9.99$1.99
  • Renaming Pets: $6.99$1.99

Alongside this, they're also combined as a package deal, which costs $2.99. Please note that these features will still last for six months, as mentioned in the item descriptions.

Check out what we have to offer in our store!

Clarification of policy Direct Link

Keeping the global chat clean

As a conclusion to this topic, we would like to introduce a new rule to clear up some confusions:

2.11 - Keep the global chat clean

ExplanationWe understand conversations can heat up and become rather emotional. However, conversations that are heated or too aggressive in global chat may scare off new players or annoy long-time players.


  • If you and your conversation partner(s) are fine with having this conversation, please use local/pm/tm/tn chats in order to converse in a more private manner.

With regards to mayor and/or king replacements

We're also aware of concerns regarding mayor and/or king replacements in a town or nation. Players have, for example, requested us to refund their mayorship as a new mayor didn't hold on to the agreements they made together.

In the past, we used to act and judge on this. However, situations started to get increasingly complex, and it soon became impossible for us to figure out who the rightful owner of the town or nation really was.

For this reason, we instigated a policy change back in 2015. This policy change was however not documented for newer members of our community and since presumably this could fall under the rule of scamming, we have expanded upon the clarification of that rule to explain the following:


  • When the current mayor appoints a new mayor, they hand over the entire town to them. This also counts for nations and kings. Therefore, you can't ask the staff to give you your mayor or king rank back.

Miscellaneous Fixes Direct Link

  • Fixed bounties not showing due to offline targets that first joined after v0.4.1
  • The concrete recipe now correctly gives eight powder, rather than one.
  • The recipe for Polished Granite now works correctly again.
  • Baby sheep no longer have absentee parents after being bred.
  • Fixed the undo on Fire Torch.
  • Fixed various bending-undo bugs.
  • Added some new bugs to keep the QA team busy.