Hello again, and welcome to another Weekly Soon™! There's a ton to discuss this week, so let's dive right in!
The past few days have been a rollercoaster when it comes to collecting tea leaves. First, tea leaves disappear from all major tea shops and popular locations around the world. Then, in a shocking turn of events, Uncle Iroh is kidnapped! Thanks to our trusty police chief Lin Beifong, he was rescued, and the culprits were identified and captured. Players reveled in the 6 tea leaves they were able to collect yesterday. Unbeknownst to them, the best is yet to come.
Bwake has set up one heck of a finale to this week’s tea leaf shenanarama, and coincidentally, this also marks the one year anniversary of Bwake becoming a mod. To celebrate both the retrieval of Iroh and his modship, Bwake has decided to torture us gift us with a maze! But not just any maze. Why, this is the most evil creative one he has ever produced! Located near the Misty Palms oasis, this massive puzzle features not one or two, but four interlocking mazes of varying sizes and structure. On top of that, some of these mazes aren’t traditional. (Hint: I hope you like to swim). There's even a parkour section to boot. Prepare to use all the tricks you can to get these tea leaves, everyone. You may need them!
It’s been a few months now since our last major update, and since then, we’ve been hard at work planning and testing the new features we have planned for you. We are now happy to announce that next week will see the biggest update we have ever produced. This is a ground-breaking content update that will affect every single player. One of the large projects we have been working on is a complete rework of our bending system into something much cleaner and cooler than before. Every single element has been improved and upgraded, which means more fun for everyone! This is only the beginning of what we have planned, so stay tuned for next week’s post!
Thank you so much for your nominations so far this month in our Player of the Month contest! Last month we crowned our first winner, and since then we have received a bunch of feedback on how to improve the contest. After reviewing your input, we decided to make a significant change in the selection process: starting with this month's contest, Moderators, Chat Moderators, Admins, and Team Leaders are no longer eligible for Player of the Month. We appreciate your understanding with this change. If you have already nominated someone who holds one of these positions, please feel free to nominate another person you believe is qualified! Remember, the contest still has a few more weeks left, so email us at writingavatarmc .com with your pick for Player of the Month!
There are no bug fixes in Ba Sing Se.