Weekly Soon Week 16: One Flew Over The Zuzu's Nest

2016-06-19 21:00:00 +0000 UTC by IdahoSciGuy & EvieAscendant

Semper FI

Greetings and salutations, Minecraft players! Idaho and Evie are here to rock your socks with some updates from the land of AvatarMC!

Bending Update Direct Link

Our bending creation team is hard at work crafting the newest moves by hand, and because of their intense dedication, we will be having new moves very soon! A few exclusive tidbits for your perusal this week:

  • The moves this month will be centered around dodging and dashing for each element. Each move will be slightly different so as to keep each element unique, but will accomplish the same goal.

  • As you may have noticed, no moves came out this week. The Bending team is hard at work ironing out any last kinks in this month's moves, so they are delaying the release by one week.

  • At the same time, the wonderful and multi-talented admin SxyToad is documenting every bit of info about every move, and cataloguing them for the website! Everything from values to level information will be transcribed and uploaded as soon as everything is compiled.

  • On top of that, SxyToad is also working on each move as it is catalogued, which may result in efficiency changes to moves in the future. Stay tuned for more info as his project progresses!

We appreciate your patience this week, and can't wait to introduce the new moves to you!

Player of the Month Direct Link

Our Player of the Month contest is still going strong, and many of you have already submitted your choice for this distinguished honor. If you haven’t sent us your recommendation yet, Don't worry! Theres still plenty of time left. Our contest will be running for another week, ending on June 25th, 2016, so make sure to email us at writing avatarmc.com with who YOU think is the Player of the Month!

Bug Fixes Direct Link

As per the usual, our local troop of hogmonkeys trusty neighborhood Killme and Zuko have been hard at work breaking apart some of the tough, stuck-on bugs and exploits that have caused the server some grief. Heres a rundown:

  • Players can now use /town here, meaning that you can finally find out more about the town you’re walking through!

  • Towny now protects wooden buttons and daylight sensors in your town, meaning that you can base aesthetics over defenses in your builds!

  • Any mention of upkeep has been removed from the /towny prices command, finishing off what we started last week!

  • Chests are now protected in player housing, meaning that your average burglar will have a lot more trouble!

  • The activation region of the Western Air Temple has been decreased, meaning that you can no longer catch the bison while you’re standing on the bridge!

  • A sellback exploit with statically priced items has been fixed, meaning that one ‘get rich quick’ scheme is finally busted!

  • The /pay all exploit has been fixed, meaning that people can no longer demand that you pay them money because of one command!

That's all from us this week! See you next week on the Weekly Soon!