Weekly Soon™ - Week 15: Let Go Your Earthly Tether

2016-06-11 21:08:00 +0000 UTC by EvieAscendant

Semper FI

Hello and welcome all, to the latest Weekly Soon! I’m Evie, and I’ll be flying over the changes and additions to the server for this week.

New Feature! Direct Link

Have you ever felt that a player on the server deserved recognition for their actions? If so, now you can do something about it. I’m proud to announce the beginning of the Player of the Month contest! The way this will work is as follows:

  • Nominate your player of choice. This can be done by emailing writing avatarmc.com with the player’s name and why you think they should be nominated.
  • The nominations will be sorted through, and a winner will be chosen by an assembled team of server veterans.
  • The deadline for this contest will be on the 25th of each month, with the winner being announced on the 1st.

Furthermore, the part you’ve all been waiting for – the winner’s reward! Aside from massive bragging rights, the player of the month will receive a trophy straight from the admins themselves as thanks for their continued contributions to our beloved community.

Bug Fixes Direct Link

As you all know, the coding gods do eternal battle with bugs on the server. This week may have been slow, but it is no different.

  • Skeleton Horse spawning has now been fixed – no more unpleasant surprises abound in the field!
  • Towny Armor Stand permissions have now been fixed, meaning that people can no longer run off with your prized collection of heads!
  • Any mention of upkeep has been removed, meaning that you can finally stop hiding from your friendly neighbourhood tax collectors!
  • Those pesky plot notifications are moved to your hotbar, meaning that you can finally walk through a town without flooding your chat!

Thanks to you, readers. That’s all for this week’s instalment, make sure you return for next week! This is Evie, signing off.