Weekly Soon™ - Week 13

2016-05-28 22:49:00 +0000 UTC by IdahoSciGuy

Hello, and welcome to another exciting edition of the Weekly Soon! Proving that the dead really do walk among us, Idaho is here with your weekly dosage of AvatarMC related happenings, changes and additions!

Bending Direct Link

It's that time again, and that means new moves! Our whipping boys move experts have been hard at work crafting this month's set of moves. Here's the deets:

Gliding Direct Link

We are now able to turn gliding on and off for specific moves. This is great news, because now we can also enabled gliders for all elements so all benders can benefit from this awesome Minecraft 1.9 feature! Only airbenders are able to use specific moves whilst gliding, however.

Air Direct Link

Gliderboost Direct Link

0 CD move that grants airbenders the ability to adjust their speed while flying, only available while flying.

Airscooter Direct Link

Toggle-able move that will grant airbenders quick movement across the ground. deactivate by double tapping space.

Fire Direct Link

Flameblast Direct Link

Cone of effect damage move, targets up to five enemies in the cone's field of view.

FireWall Direct Link

Places a strip of fire on the ground, only despawns naturally.

Earth Direct Link

EarthShackle Direct Link

Requires source block. Binds targets, rendering them immobile and unable to use moves for a short period of time.

EarthShatter Direct Link

Sends forth a powerful shockwave forward that will damage enemies.

Water Direct Link

WaterAreaHeal Direct Link

Requires source block. Pulls water to you before blasting it outwards, healing all nearby players. Heals more the closer you are to the bender who uses the move.

IceCage Direct Link

Requires ICE source block. Pulls the ice block to you before launching it at an enemy, encases enemy in cage for short period of time.

Chat Mods Direct Link

As many players have noticed, chat moderators are now on the server, and the position is open to anyone interested! We have had a great response to this position being opened, and by great we mean that we received a veritable TON of applications. As you can probably guess, it's going to take us a bit to sift through them all. Our resident Honorless Knave neighborhood Zukoman who heads up the application review will be on holiday for one and a half weeks, so please have patience. We will be responding to every application, and that just takes a bit of time!

Bug Fixes Direct Link

As usual, we've also squashed some bugs to help things flow smoothly:

  • Fixed chests being read only in player housing (so you can now use chests in your player houses in the Fire Nation Capital).
  • Disabled enchanted books.
  • Added missing respawn point in The Boiling Rock.
  • Armorstands are now properly protected in Towny.

That's all for this edition of the Weekly Soon! Idaho out!