Hey all you minecraftians and avatar people! Idaho here with a (slightly late) Weekly Soon packed full of delicious nutrition information about what's on the horizon!
New Builds!
Our builders have been hard at work building all over the avatar world, and some of their creations are about to hit the live server! The first 3 week build sprint is nearing completion, and this time the focus has been on the Southern Water Tribe! Builders have been hard at work pumping out sections of the city, including a shipping yeard, and the grounds for our favorite spirit festival! The whole city isn't complete by any means, as it will take a few sprints to really get close to accomplishing that, thought it's safe to say this sprint was definitely productive! Make sure to check out all the cool new additions!
Also making an appearance is a redesigned Kyoshi Island! If you think the island looks different, you would be right! The entire island has been reworked from the ground up! It has been completely re-terraformed, and is ready for the finer details to be put in place. Look forward to more from the home of the Kyoshi Warriors coming soon!
New Bending!
The bending testers are hard at work testing all the new moves for our April update, and the feedback has been overwhelming! Most of the moves have been designed and rolled out to testers on the bending server, and everyday more information is gathered to help the balancing act that is move generation. We are hoping to push these moves to the live server next week, so keep your eyes peeled for more information in the next weekly soon!
Bending Changes
Along with introducing new moves for testing, we have been hard at work continuing to balance what we currently have out there. This week, we have been taking a hard look at a few moves in particular.-Firejet: Firejet will now be able to be toggled! With our latest change, firejet can now be turned off at will, increasing its maneuverability. However, energy will be drained during use, as well as on a start-up cost. Make sure to use it wisely in battle, or you may end up dry of energy! Our friendly neighborhood grangyman has even given us a gif that shows the toggling in action:http://gfycat.com/FaroffOpulentAnchovy-Flameshot: We've been looking at a rebalance for FlameShot, since currently it's extremely spammy while dealing high damage. Currently we're testing a cooldown increase, allowing it to retain the damage it currently has, but reducing its spamminess. This should make it much more competitive with the other bending types at the moment!-PebbleGatlingGun: As of right now, PebbleGatlingGun is probably the least used Earth move, and we want to change that. We're looking into ways to improve functionality without making it completely overpowered, so stay tuned for further details!
Plugin Additions
We’ve added a new plugin to the server! As many of you who have sought out the tea leaves in Ba SIng Se have seen, our minecart plugin is now functional! With this, you can get around the rings of Ba SIng Se faster than news of the death of the Earth Queen (may she rest in peace)! You can try it out for yourself near the global travel node in Ba SIng Se’s Middle Ring!
Known Issues
One thing that has been brought to our attention is an issue involving saplings not growing. We are taking a hard look at the issue and will hope to have a fix out soon. Thank you for your patience! Remember, if you notice a bug on the server, dont hesitate to message us! We'll start looking at it as soon as we can!
Phew! That was one heck of an update! See you all next week, Idaho out!