Weekly Soon™ - Week 9 - We're moving to 1.9

2016-04-29 21:29:00 +0000 UTC by Luxsidus

Hi everyone and welcome to a fresh Weekly SoonTM. We've got some big news to share with you guys: the server has been updated to Minecraft 1.9!

As many of you know, Minecraft 1.9 has been out for a while now, but because the server is made possible by dozens of different plugins we had to take our time to update. So that's what we've been doing. And we can finally say we are ready enough to let you guys enjoy our server. And yes: we've brought back gliders! So this will be one of "those" posts with a large changelog and a lot of neat features waiting for you to try out. We mainly added a few new curio's to the FNC, fixed code running in the background, fixed pesky trees and changed the /pay command.

So without further ado, you can admire and gaze at our list of changes. As soon as you are done with that we'll see you on the server, perhaps sporting a fancy new glider! Please keep in mind that you might encounter bugs. If you do, please report them to us.

New features Direct Link

  • Added some interesting places to the Fire Nation Capital. No, we won't tell you where exactly ;)
  • Trees actually grow in a normal way again and are rotated randomly. Trees have been glitchy, but are now better and tree-er than ever.
  • "/pay" command is no longer in cents! So /pay 1 does pay 1.00 Yuan instead of 0.01 Yuan now. Finally.
  • "/pay all" can be used to transfer all of your money to someone. Just in case.
  • When you die in a major city you will respawn in that same city instead of your own capital. Saves you time and us requests to tp the poor fellow over.
  • Road recipe does now accept any type of planks. No longer will we discriminate against other types of wood. On AvatarMC all wood is equal.
  • Added superawesome airbender gliders! Non-airbenders, don't dispair. More basic gliders will be coming out later for everyone to enjoy.
  • Squashed many, many bugs

Now go out and have fun, we'll see you around!