Weekly Soon™ - Week 8

2016-04-23 16:00:00 +0000 UTC by IdahoSciGuy

Well Hello all of you avatar peeps! Its that time of week we all look forward to, the Weekly Soon!!! Idaho here with some cactus juice juicy information!

New Command Direct Link

Do you tab out and browse the web while you cook up some infernal meth Cobblestone? Are you always worried about missing out on conversations while tabbed out and browsing the web? Do you always feel like an awkward turtle duck when you tab in and see you missed a conversation? Well, fear no more! Earlier this week, a new command was added to ease all of these concerns: “/highlight”! This is a nifty little command that will notify you with a sound alert whenever preset words are said in chat. Here are a list of commands available to players:

  • /highlight on/off to enable/disable
  • /highlight add/remove word Adds/removes a thing to be highlighted for
  • /highlight sound on/off enable/disable sound when being highlighted
  • /highlight list lists words to be highlighted for

With these new commands, you can now enjoy minecraft at ease! Seriously, it’s easier than planning an invasion of the Water Tribes. Simply turn on the highlight feature, enter the words you wish to be notified of, and wait for all the sweet, succulent ringy-dingies to come rushing in! Never worry about missing conversations while tabbed out again!

New Positions Direct Link

We are happy to announce that in the very near future, Chat Moderators will be making their appearence! Instead of being appointed by internal selection, these positions will be filled via applications on the AvatarMC.com website! We will have more information regarding these new staff positions, including what they do, what we’ll look for, and all that jazz, coming in the near future! Stay tuned for more info!

That’s all for this week! Idaho out!