Hello everyone, and welcome to the most recent Weekly Soon! Idaho here with a quick update for all you avatar server peeps. This week, it’s all about dat bending! Here's the rundown-diddle-doodle:
This week featured the debut of this month's bending additions!
This month features a wide variety of moves, featuring both offensive and defensive capabilities, as well as utility in both battle and everyday situation! Below is a log of all the new moves:
Launch enemies into the skyLeft click to create an updraft of air, launching enemies into the sky, dealing high damage
Use the power of air to protect you.Left click to create a bubble of air, knocking back enemies
Charge forward with the power of the infernoLeft click to charge a target, dealing high damage. This also damages the user a bit.
Control the spread of fireLeft click to extinguish flames from yourself, the ground, or other players.
Use Earth to impact the ground.Left click to raise up a block of earth, causing it to crash down and damage nearby players.
Quickly shoot a pebble at a targetLeft click to shoot a pebble, dealing small damage, with bonus damage and blindness achieved on headshots.
Creatively source your waterbending power on land!Left click on a grass block to create a water source for a short time.
Use the power of steam to damage and blind your enemies!Left click to create a plume of steam that deals moderate damage, knocks enemies back, and blinds all who enters it.These moves are now on the server! Make sure to collect those tea leaves to upgrade all your bending abilities! Our bending team is on vacation to ember island to celebrate the release this week, but next week they will be back at it to work on the new moves for May!
On top of all the new moves being introduced this week, we have also added some bug fixes for current moves, as well as on the server itself:
That’s all from this week! See you all next time on the Weekly Soon!