2016-11-08 20:15:00 +0000 UTC by EvieAscendant
Hey, it’s Evie here for the 29th Weekly Soon™. We apologise for the month’s break in blog posts, but it’s been pretty quiet around here. Now that’s over and done with, on with this week’s changes!
Redstone Bending Detectors
Yes, you read that right. With this new change, you'll be able to operate redstone with your bending moves! Right now this is restricted to a certain list of moves due to limitations, but it's pretty cool nonetheless. You'll be able to purchase five kinds of this detector - one for each element, and another that will work for all of them.
The moves that you can use on the new detectors are:
- AirSpear
- WaterBlast
- FireBall
- EarthBlast
You'll be able to buy these in a shop located in Republic City (12007x 5692z)
for 2500¥ per detector, so get to it! A test facility has been built on-site for prospective buyers.
Regarding Tea Leaves
The policy regarding tea leaves has been updated – you can now apply to host a tea leaf location in your town! The requirements for this are as follows:
- The build in question must be of decent quality and unique/original. No, you can’t copy the last guy’s build for a tea leaf. Building a decent but ultimately generic tower won’t suffice, either.
- The tea leaf location, as well as the road leading to it, must not be in or near any area explicitly designed for PvP (excluding arenas and wilderness chunks).
- There must be a road from one of the canon cities, or alternatively, a fast travel node should be close nearby. Additionally, the general area it is located in must be clearly signed along the road so that it is findable.
- Obstructions are not allowed, and gates leading to it must be kept open at all times.
- It must be possible to World Guard the area to prevent player modification. Additionally, a respawn point must be provided.
- In the event of a war, these rules can be put on hold, albeit temporarily. However, you must inform the admin or tea leaf staff immediately, so that they can remove the location until peace is restored and the area is considered safe.
- Any abuse of the World Guarded region during war or in general will be severely punished.
- Contact information must be available so that the tea leaf team can get in touch without needing you to be on the server.
- Finally, a majority vote amongst the active tea leaf staff must pass once all previous requirements are met. This will be done before a tea leaf location request is granted.
Bug Fixes and Changes
- Your screen will glow red when you are low on health, making it easier for you to realize when to run in a fight!
- The /towny top command has been fixed for those who aren’t mayors!
And that's a wrap! Stay tuned for further developments in the world of AvatarMC!