AvatarMC Soon™ - Issue 48: Bending Tournament v.5 - Earn Free Cosmetics and More!

2019-03-04 21:53:07 +0000 UTC by FireLordIzumi

Event: Gaoling Bending Tournament - Kevin is a Female Edition: Discord Direct Link

Congratulations to KevinY3 for getting first place in the January tournament, with Porku getting a close second! It's time for our fifth iteration of the bending tournament! Please read below for more information:

  • When will it be?
    • The event will take place on Saturday March 30th at 7PM UTC. Time-zones are funky and I don't want to convert that into 500 time-zones factoring in whether or not their clocks changed yet. Please use your trusty friend Google to find exactly what time this is in your time-zone. We understand that some people may not be available during this time and will make an effort to have them at varying times in the future.
  • How do I join?
    • Please join the discord (link at top) and sign up in the Tournament Chat or message a moderator / chat moderator in-game. If you can not get in contact with one, you can send FireLordIzumi a message on Skype (FireLordIzumi) or Discord (Mako#2066).
  • Am I limited to the bending I chose?
    • No! This event will take place off the main server by doing "/server event" once the event is open for joining. You will be able to select any bending you wish and change it at any point before the tournament officially starts. The event server will be open 30 minutes before the tournament starts to allow players to have time to pick.
  • Will there be elytras?
    • At the moment we have decided to not provide elytras for players to use. These can be used to avoid combat completely by Airbenders and serve no purpose in combat since they are disabled after taking damage.
  • Will there be stats and levels?
    • Just like on the main server you will have stat points to allocate using "/c". You will be automatically set to max level and have all moves available from the moment you select a bending. You can reset your stats throughout the tournament to change your build based on the bender you will be fighting by speaking to the stat spirit near spawn.
  • Will there be rewards?
    • First Place: A $20 voucher for the donation store to spend as you see fit.
    • Second Place: A single item from the donation store or 500,000 in-game currency.-- Please note: You can NOT claim packages. Only single items. A free character slot, blue firebending, special hat, etc.
    • Third Place: The joy of knowing you're nearly better than everyone, but not good enough to actually win a tangible prize.
    • Participation: Everyone who signs up for the tournament and participates in it without missing any matches will receive a participation prize. This will consist of 6 cosmetic heads and a tea leaf. The cosmetic heads will be 3 Quartz Pearl heads and 3 Quartz Ore heads. First and second place winners will receive this as well.
  • How often will these tournaments be held?
    • These tournaments will be held on the last Saturday or Sunday of every month. The times of the tournament will vary so make sure you're available before signing up! Sign-ups are closed once the tournament starts; however, if someone doesn't show for their match in round one we do accept subsitutes. There will be an announcement similar to this every month for it!
  • How do I join the Discord?
    • You can simply click the hyperlink at the top or bottom for a direct invite. Below are instructions to link your AvatarMC account with Discord; however, this is not required!
    • First, you need to create an AvatarMC Forum account by performing "/register" while on the server.
    • Once you have the forum account set up go to discord.avatarmc.com and log in with your forum information. This will link your account to your Discord account.
    • If you already have an AvatarMC Forum account but don't remember your log-in information please contact GuoKao.
  • Various notes on how the event will function below:
    • The tournament will operate off a public leaderboard that you can request the link to at any time (after the tournament has started.)
    • Veterans will face veterans in the first rounds and newer players against newer players. Veteran players will fight first. This is the give the new players an opportunity to watch and learn from the fights before and give them a better chance at beating a veteran player.
    • Time will be controlled so that Firebenders and Waterbenders will receive their day or night damage boosts throughout the fight for only part of the fight. High noon bonus and full moon bonus will not occur in any fight.
    • This tournament is not only a way for you to earn free cosmetics, but also a way for us to gain balancing opinions on the elements. After the tournament do not be afraid to share your opinions on the server discord or on the forums!

If you have any questions regarding the event, you can ask in our discord, announcement on the forums, or message a moderator in-game.

We hope you join the fight on Saturday, March 30th at 7PM UTC! Discord

The Gaoling Bending Tournament Report: December 2018

2018-12-27 18:50:11 +0000 UTC by QuietDove

Merry Christmas, and welcome to the December Tournament Report!

There was a Yuletide atmosphere around the tournament this month, especially as Father Christmas had given competitors the gift of not having Porku and Vince taking part!

Without further ado, here is the report.

Competitors Direct Link

Once again, air was far and away the most popular element. However, it was great to see every element represented!

Air - CheeseSandwich, lemur68, Tofu_, Mastrgamr1, _Roess_

Water - EvieAscendant, QuietDove (yep, I was dragged into this one)

Earth - Shikmeister

Fire - KingSquirrel, MewRayquaza, FireLordIzumi

Non-Bending - Benfro, Sivertehbomb

First Round Direct Link

After the slightly complicated double elimination format that was featured last month, I am pleased to say that this month went back to single elimination.

The first round began with a cracker of a fight, between Cheese and Lemur. The pair had a close quarters start as they met in the middle of the arena to exchange blows. Lemur had the advantage early on as he Blitzen-ed into a lead. But Cheese managed to fight back, bringing himself on par with Lemur. It remained tight until the last moments, when Lemur was able to break Cheese's defences and take victory. An entertaining fight.

The second fight was between Evie and Benfro. There's not much to say about this one, other than it was more of a marathon than a Dasher. It took a long time, so long that I can't really recall any details. But Evie won, so there's that.

In the third fight, Tofu barely broke a sweat when defeating Shikmeister. Although, Shik should get an honourable mention. Older players may know him as Daeshik, and he joined the tournament within half an hour of rejoining the server for the first time in years, i.e. before we implemented our new bending system!

Fight four saw Sivertehbomb fight some dude called 'QuietDove'. I don't know who he was, but my word was he handsome. This fight was a tight affair, mainly as neither fighter appeared to have any tactics beyond 'hit them as fast as you can'. At the end of the fight, the dashing Dove appeared to be on the ropes, but he was able to use the fantastic combination of Octopus Form and Water Bolt to defeat Sivertehbomb, who came within half a heart of victory.

The final fight of the round saw the first 'brainfade' moment of the tournament. KingSquirrel was up against MastrGamr, and everything appeared to be normal when the fight began. However, it soon became apparent that Mastr had forgotten to assign his stat points. This left Squirrel with an easy route to round two. Or so it seemed...Mastr somehow, probably more through Squirrels incompetence than his own skill, took victory. He Dancers his way into the next round.

Second Round Direct Link

The first fight of round two saw FireLordIzumi come up against the tournaments resident Vixen,MewRayquaza. An exciting fight was expected between these two, as all firebender fights are generally ones to watch out for. However, the fight was something of a walkover for Izumi, as Mew struggled to get going. After catching light several times, she was soon put out of her misery by the rampant moderator. This was not a classic fight...

Fight two was between MastrGamr and _Roess_. Roess applied some interesting tactics, meaning he basically ran around and dodged rather than attempt to land hits. Somehow though, he was able to take victory. Mastr may need to put some more training in...

The third fight was between Evie and Lemur, and was probably the highlight of the whole tournament. A wonderfully topsy-turvy bout where it remained tight throughout. The fight began with a close quarters clash in the middle of the arena, a tactic that Lemur seems to favour. Evie came out ahead in the early stages, but Lemur was able to get back into it. However, Evie always had him at arms length, just biding her time before landing the final blow on Lemur. A very entertaining fight. Clearly, Lemur is nothing without his Cupid, zcvn...

Fight four saw QuietDove (woohoo) fight Tofu. I lost this one quite badly, so let's just move on...

Semi Final Direct Link

Semi Final one was between Evie and FireLordIzumi. It was a cautious start to the fight as both sized each other up. Soon, Izumi decides to go on the offensive, diving into the pool of water where Evie lies in wait. Quite what Izumi was thinking when he decided to do this, we may never know, but it allows Evie to take the lead. Izumi then realizes his mistake and gets out of the pool, resuming the long range battle between the two. As the fight slowed down and dragged on, Izumi clearly decided that he'd had enough waiting around, and chose to Prancer back into the pool. This was Izumi's final mistake, Evie landed the final blows and took victory, sending her to the final.

The second semi final was between Tofu and _Roess_. This was more straightforward. Roess attempted to use his 'run and duck' technique, but Tofu was far too wily an opponent to fall for that. He takes a decisive victory and reaches a second successive final.

Final Direct Link

Both of our finalists have been in this position before, and both have tasted victory. Evie had given us several efficient victories en route to the final, whilst Tofu had once again put in some impressive performances, but without really being tested.

The fight began slowly, with Tofu giving himself a slight advantage. Both fighters then begin to size each other up, reluctant to commit to an attack. Tofu then sees an opening, and takes it. He puts himself on top and appears to have Evie on the ropes, with the waterbender really struggling to get going. It all seems to be going Tofu's way, until a Comet like blow from Evie manages to take Tofu by surprise, knocking him down, and giving Evie the title! It came out of nowhere, but it was brilliant work.

Evie is now a history maker, the first person to win two individual titles. Porku still holds the record for the first to win two, but his second came in last months pairs tournament.

All credit to Tofu, who put in an excellent effort, his time will surely come again. But, for now, congratulations Evie!

Awards Direct Link

Best Fighter - I'm going to give this award to someone who's had another brilliant tournament. Tofu. After forming a title winning partnership with Porku last month, we were all waiting to see if he could back it up in an individual setting. Well, a faultless run to the final proved that he could. Despite falling at the last, Tofu appears to be a safe bet to win the whole tournament one day.

Best Fight - Can I really award this to myself? It was a close, if inelegant, fight... Ok, fine, I'll give this to Evie vs Lemur in the second round, just edging out Cheese vs Lemur in the first round. The former had slightly higher quality bending.

The "I've had too much Bailey's after Christmas Dinner" Award - There were a couple of bizarre tactical choices in this tournament, but the winner is surely Izumi jumping into a pool of water whilst fighting a waterbender. Go and buy yourself a Donner kebab to get over the hangover, Izumi!

Funniest Moment - I'm giving this one to our friend, KingSquirrel. After being matched up with someone who seemingly forgot to assign his stat points, you'd expect him to walk right into the next round. But no. He managed to lose, somehow...

Last Notes Direct Link

Seeing as this is the last tournament of 2018, I'd like to thank Izumi, Martdamp, Grangoon, Killme, Vince, Cheese, and Caljitsu for helping run tournaments over the last six months. It's been brilliant to have regular tournaments and it wouldn't happen without you.

I'd also like to thank everyone who has competed in any tournament, whether it be just one, or all of them. These only work if people turn up and enjoy them, so you are all just as appreciated as those who run them!

Here is a run down of all the champions we have crowned this year:

  • July - Kaaldr - Non-Bender
  • August - Porku - Airbender
  • September - Nanook - Airbender
  • October - EvieAscendant - Waterbender
  • November - Tofu and Porku - Air and Waterbenders
  • December - EvieAscendant - Waterbender

Have a very Happy New Year, we shall see you all again in 2019. Dove, out.

AvatarMC Soon™ - Issue 47: The Penguin Who Would Be King

2018-12-23 20:15:23 +0000 UTC by EvieAscendant

Yes, you read that right. Evie here once again, presenting our newest and most requested endeavour - a Club Penguin event! This one is an expansion to the event we did last year, so those who didn't take part then can do so now.

Trawl through the snow and the ice to take part in numerous Antarctic antics, including but not limited to:

Capture The Flag Direct Link

Team up with friend and foe alike to capture the other team's flag and bring it back to your own base! Beware - you won't be able to score if the other team also possesses your flag.

Sled Racing Direct Link

Now this is pod sled-racing! Take part in a race for the ages. Dodge obstacles and your fellow contestants as you all reach for the prize.

Scavenger Hunt Direct Link

Who let the Puffles out? No, seriously - we want to know. It's a health and safety violation. While we figure out who did it, you can find the Puffles scattered across the island. Will you find them all, or will they remain elusive?

An a*maze*ing maze Direct Link

Because we know you all love pain and suffering. Will you reach the end of this exercise in persistence? Make sure to bring plenty of string so you don't lose your way. No minotaurs in this one, we promise.

Puffle Roundup Direct Link

What makes a great pet if not one that's been captured straight from the wild and forced into captivity? Step right up and show your grabbing prowess for our high paying poachers lovely soon-to-be pet owners.

Jet Pack Obstacle Course Direct Link

You've been able to fly for a while now, but hear me out on this new revolutionary idea: Jetpacks. I hear they're all the rage these days, so head on over to the lighthouse and speak to Jetpack Jin for a once in a lifetime (because it may just be the last ride of your life) experience. Note: Penguin Corp is not responsible for any damages or accidental demise while using their products.

In addition, you'll be able to earn coins by playing through these activities, which you can spend on a select few Christmas-themed cosmetics. For the completionists among you, there will also be a new Advancement tree to complete during the event. You'll be able to access this event through last year's event, so if you haven't done that one yet, now's the time! Travel to this year's by using the hot-air balloon close to the giant Christmas tree.

Please note that this event will be using a separate Resource Pack, so make sure to get that from here if you don't already have the server's RP, or here if you do.

AvatarMC Soon™ - Issue 46: Gaoling Bending Tournament - Earn Free Cosmetics and More!

2018-12-22 12:11:23 +0000 UTC by FireLordIzumi

Event: Gaoling Bending Tournament: Discord

Congratulations to EvieAscendant for getting first place in the December tournament, with Tofu getting a close second! It's time for our however-many-we've-had iteration of the bending tournament! Please read below for more information:

  • When will it be?
    • The event will take place on Sunday January 27th at 7PM UTC. Please use your trusty friend Google to find exactly what time this is in your time-zone. We understand that some people may not be available during this time and will make an effort to have them at varying times in the future.
  • How do I join?
    • Please join the discord (link at top) and sign up in the Tournament Chat or message a moderator / chat moderator in-game. If you can not get in contact with one, you can send FireLordIzumi a message on Skype (FireLordIzumi) or Discord (Mako#2066).
  • Am I limited to the bending I chose?
    • No! This event will take place off the main server by doing "/server event" once the event is open for joining. You will be able to select any bending you wish and change it at any point before the tournament officially starts. The event server will be open 30 minutes before the tournament starts to allow players to have time to pick.
  • Will there be elytras?
    • At the moment we have decided to not provide elytras for players to use. These can be used to avoid combat completely by Airbenders and serve no purpose in combat since they are disabled after taking damage.
  • Will there be stats and levels?
    • Just like on the main server you will have stat points to allocate using "/c". You will be automatically set to max level and have all moves available from the moment you select a bending. You can reset your stats throughout the tournament to change your build based on the bender you will be fighting by speaking to the stat spirit near spawn.
  • Will there be rewards?

    • First Place: A choice of any single item from the donation store and 1,000,000 in-game currency.-- Please note: You can NOT claim packages. Only single items. A free character slot, blue firebending, special hat, etc.
    • Second Place: 500,000 in-game currency.
    • Participation: Everyone who signs up for the tournament and participates in it without missing any matches will receive a participation prize. This will consist of 6 cosmetic heads and a tea leaf. The cosmetic heads will be 3 Redstone Lamp heads and 3 Command Block heads. First and second place winners will receive this as well.

  • How often will these tournaments be held?

    • These tournaments will be held on the last Saturday or Sunday of every month. The times of the tournament will vary so make sure you're available before signing up! Sign-ups are closed once the tournament starts; however, if someone doesn't show for their match in round one we do accept subsitutes. There will be an announcement similar to this every month for it!
  • How do I join the Discord?

    • There is an invite link on the side-bar, if you want to link your discord and AvatarMC account you need to create an AvatarMC Forum account by performing "/register" while on the server.
    • Once you have the forum account set up go to discord.avatarmc.com and log in with your forum information. This will link your account to your Discord account.
    • If you already have an AvatarMC Forum account but don't remember your log-in information please contact GuoKao.
  • Various notes on how the event will function below:

    • The tournament will operate off a public leaderboard that you can request the link to at any time (after the tournament has started.)
    • Veterans will face veterans in the first rounds and newer players against newer players. Veteran players will fight first. This is the give the new players an opportunity to watch and learn from the fights before and give them a better chance at beating a veteran player.
    • Time will be controlled so that Firebenders and Waterbenders will receive their day or night damage boosts throughout the fight for only part of the fight. High noon bonus and full moon bonus will not occur in any fight.
    • This tournament is not only a way for you to earn free cosmetics, but also a way for us to gain balancing opinions on the elements. After the tournament do not be afraid to share your opinions on the server discord or on the forums!

If you have any questions regarding the event, you can ask in our discord, announcement on the forums, or message a moderator in-game.

We hope you join the fight on Sunday January 27th at 7PM UTC! Discord

The Gaoling Bending Tournament Report: November 2018

2018-11-28 21:30:11 +0000 UTC by QuietDove

Welcome to the November tournament report!

November can be considered an experimental tournament in so many ways, but mainly because it was the first time we have played in a 2v2 format. We also debuted a double elimination bracket, where you must be beaten twice before you get knocked out.

We shall get more onto the 2v2 format later, but for now, let the report commence!

Competitors Direct Link

This month was the first time where we had no Fire or Earthbenders competing. Once again, Air was far and away the most popular element, but non-bending has continued its encouraging comeback.

Air - Tofu_, Benfro, Skeleton, Lemur68, Vincebobogunoosh, CheeseSandwich, Creepreeck

Water - EvieAscendant, Porku, Azog

Non-Bending - Sodie_pops, zcvn

Pairs List:

  • Tofu + Porku
  • Evie + Benfro
  • Sodie_pops + zcvn
  • Creepreeck + Azog
  • Vincebobogunoosh + Cheesesandwich
  • Lemur + Skeleton

Winners Bracket: Direct Link

First Round

You're going to have to bear with me here, because this is going to be a tad complicated to write out. For those who don't understand how a double elimination works, there are essentially two brackets, one for winners, one for losers. If you lose on match, you go into the losers bracket, lose in that bracket, and you are out for good. Clear? At least a bit? Good!

Let's start with the winners bracket!

Match one was between Tofu + Porku, and Evie + Benfro. This fight was a bit of a formality for Team Tofu. October Champion, Evie, was knocked out early on, leaving Benfro, a former finalist, to fight them both on his own.

However, there was a slight issue for Team Tofu, an issue named 'Ice Cage'. Whilst attempting, an actually rather clever, combo of Ice Cage and Area Heal, Porku managed to trap Tofu in the ice and suffocate him to death. We call this "Doing a zcvn". Still, it meant that the fight was now 1on1, Porku vs Benfro. In an entertaining and close fight, Porku was able to come out on top.

Match two saw Sodie + zcvn go up against Creepreeck + Azog (or whatever his IGN is now...). The fight was something of a walkover for Team Sodie. Creepreeck and Azog didn't last long at all. Non-bendings surprisingly strong matchup against water was a major factor in the swift defeat of this pair. Turns out that chi blocking is very effective at stopping the healing ability of waterbenders.

Second Round

Due to the odd numbers, two pairs went straight through to the second round. The first of these pairs was Vince + Cheese, who came up against Tofu + Porku. This fight was a classic.

Cheese is taken out by Porku, leaving Vince with a tough battle against a pair of very good fighters, the smart money is on Porku and Tofu at this point. But Vince is able to fight back, taking out Tofu, levelling the match. The Vince and Porku fights have provided great entertainment in past tournaments, and this was no different. It was certainly attritional, but Vince had momentum now. In a twist of fate, he brings Porku down. It was a tight fight, but Vince put in the performance of a lifetime to take victory.

And now, we must turn out attention to the second fight of this round, where Lemur + Skeleton came up against Sodie + zcvn. Have a box of tissues ready, put on the Serge Gainsbourg, and sit back. Because this is less a tale of fighting prowess, but more a tale of romance.

As the fight started, Sodie and Skeleton rushed towards each other, the bloodlust setting in. The pair exchanged blows, hoping for an early knockout that would swing the match in their favour. However, it soon became apparent that it was only those two who were fighting, where were Lemur and zcvn?

With a glance to the corner of the arena, they could be seen. Their eyes were locked together, not in intimidation, but in infatuation. They moved together and locked in an embrace, tears flowing down their cheeks, this was a passion of a different kind, it was love rather than fighting. You could almost hear Lemur whispering in zcvn's ear "I will never let you go...". A better love story than Twilight? You bet it was.

In the middle of the arena, Sodie took down Skeleton. As soon as he did so, Sodie went towards the corner, Lemur had to be the next to go. But he hesitated, had he been taken in by this romance? Lemur looked towards his would be assailant, his eyes aflame, seemingly pleading with him to not take him away from zcvn.

Sodie was stony faced, he looked at the pair of lovers and sighed, raising his sword towards Lemur. "I'm sorry zcvn, there's no other way. It has to end here..." he said, with no hint of remorse. Zcvn looked at his teammate, tears welling up, "Please, Sodie, you can't". Sodie didn't listen, attacking Lemur with little prejudice. Lemur fought hard, fuelled by his love for zcvn. He struck firmly, Sodie fell at his feet, he bowed his head and turned around, returning to zcvn in the corner. They embraced once more, no longer inhibited by their teammates.

But soon, it became apparent that they must fight each other, for one cannot live while the other survives...

From forth the fatal loins of these two foes,A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life

Zcvn is slain, Lemur is victorious. He falls to his knees at the body of his love, tears falling onto the ground. He lets out an almighty wail, the crowd starts to tear up themselves. But Lemur then remembers that it's a double elimination, and that zcvn won't be dead until he loses another fight...

Semi Final

After the heartbreak of the last fight, thoughts turned back to the tournament. The semi final clash between Team Vince and Team Lemur was hotly anticipated, but Team Vince went in a favourites.

Skeleton was knocked out early on, as is tradition, leaving Lemur to try and hold off Vince and Cheese. Despite some brave resistance, Lemur eventually falls at the hands of Vince. Team Lemur still has one more chance to set up a rematch in the losers bracket.

Speaking of which...

Losers Bracket: Direct Link

First Round

The first losers round match was between Evie+Benfro, and zcvn+sabb (who has replaced an AWOL Sodie). Evie was knocked out by zcvn, who has recovered from the last round thanks to the power of love, early on. Benfro was able to gain revenge quickly by taking out zcvn, putting him one on one with newcomer, Sabb. The fight is tight, with both players showing off their potential. But, eventually, Benfro is beaten, sending Sabb and zcvn through to the next round. The defeat capped off an underwhelming tournament for the defending champion, Evie.

The second fight was between Tofu+Porku and Creepreeck+Azog. This fight was short. Creep and Azog went down with little resistance.

Second Round

I hope you're keeping up with this double elimination thing!

There was only one fight in this round, and it was between Team Tofu and Team zcvn. Once again, there was an early knock out as zcvn fell. Sabb was now left to fight alone, against a pair who had slowly become tournament favourites. Sabb made excellent use of his speed, making the fight more tricky than Tofu and Porku would've liked. But soon, the inevitable happened. Tofu took Sabb down, giving his team the perfect opportunity to reach the final.

Semi Final

The semi final clash between Lemur+Skeleton and Tofu+Porku turned out to be a little underwhelming. Both sides had been beaten by Vince+Cheese in earlier rounds, and would've been keen to have a rematch in the final.

Porku took out Lemur early on. From there it was a case of when, not if, the victory would go to Team Tofu, despite Skeletons improvements this month. Tofu made short work of him, confirming his and Porku's place in the final

Final Direct Link

This was it, the grand final. No more double elimination rules here, it was winner takes all to confirm the victor. Vince+Cheese vs Tofu+Porku

The fight started strongly, neither pair wanting to give ground to the other. The slightly uneven matchup of two air vs air and water perhaps tilted things in favour of Team Vince, but it was an even start. Certainly, it was hard to separate them, even as the fight developed.

As the fight reached its halfway point, the pairs became split. Vince and Porku focussed on each other, renewing their rivalry from previous tournaments. On the other side of the arena, Tofu and Cheese were both going at each others throats and, perhaps sensing that Tofu was getting on top, Vince left Porku and went to the aid of his teammate.

But this didn't last. Tofu and Porku were eventually able to isolate Cheese, as Vince was stranded in the corner of the arena. It was the opening they needed as Tofu dealt the final blow to Cheese. Now on his own, Vince had to do what he did in the second round and take the pair of them out himself. However, Team Tofu were keen to prevent this from happening. A rare Vince mistake left him stranded in a pool of water. Tofu reacted quickest and landed several, decisive, blows, ending the fight.

It was a remarkable performance from Tofu in particular, taking part in his first tournament. He stood out, despite being in a pair with arguably the best bender around. The future looks bright for this fighter, his analytical approach and deep knowledge of bending served him well, and will surely do so in coming tournaments.

Recording of the Final (courtesy of Skeleton): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICF6WdngasE

Link to the bracket: https://challonge.com/7l1giqi7

Awards Direct Link

Best Fighter - He enjoyed an absolutely storming debut, at times overshadowing his illustrious team mate, Porku. His match-winning performance in the final wins this for him, Tofu_ is the fighter of the tournament!

Best Fight - There is no doubt about this one. Team Vince's comeback victory over Team Tofu, in the second round. Cheese's early knockout swung the match heavily in favour of Tofu and Porku, but Vince put in a brilliant display to take victory.

The Jane Austen Award - This award is for the best romance of the tournament (which is not something I was expecting to say). Shippers rejoice, because LemurXzcvn is the winner today! Stopping a tournament to be with your love is definitely award worthy, if a little bit odd.

Funniest Moment - As it turns out, having Porku as your teammate may be more of a burden, than an advantage. Especially if he suffocates you in a wall of ice. Porku's inadvertent murder of his helpless teammate, Tofu, proved the comedy value in a 2v2 tournament.

Last Notes Direct Link

Thank you to everyone who showed up and took part this month, it was certainly one to remember. We are unlikely to hold another 2v2 for a while, so I hope it was worth it for everyone.

Thanks to Vince and Grangoon who both ensured that the tournament ran smoothly. Also thanks to, err, myself for putting the bracket together, even though it made to turn to drink afterwards...

Keep an eye out for details about the December tournament, as it may run to a different week than usual, due to the Christmas schedule. It may or may not be winter themed, so bring your wooly hats, scarves, mulled wine, and mince pies!

As a final, final, note. Martdamp has asked me to put the bending changes into this post, as well as to let you know that the store has been updated with some exciting new items for you to choose from! :

  • Feather Weight now uses the speed stat points instead of a potion effect, this means it will give less speed when you have some points in the speed stat. (Sorry Lemur)
  • Air Scooter has received some tweaks, you can now use it on water and it should climb hills a little better, but watch out for any damage done against you as the cancel threshold has been decreased.
  • All the bending icons have been converted to use diamond swords instead of skulls, this means they are all the same big size and might look a little different.
  • All the armour moves now use the stat point system, you can get more than 100% protection and when you take no damage you won't be knocked back anymore.
  • Water Healing is a little slower, but will still heal the same amount.

And, with that out of the way...

Thank you again, Dove out!